1 - @AlyssaPhoenix

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"Bye guys, I gotta go and eat a mountain," I called to my friend's.

"Which mountain," they asked, cocking their heads.

"Mount Everest," I replied.

And so I began my long trek to mount Everest, taking some boats along the way.

It was a few years until I found it, because it was after I left that I remembered that I forgot where it was and I had left my phone at home.

So at last, I reached what I thought was Mount Everest, it was tall, so it would do.

With my freezing hands, I grabbed a fistful of snow and stuffed it into my mouth. It was disgusting! But I had to eat the mountain.

I took another fistful and winced as if playing bean boozle.

Eating the mountain quickly became my way of life.

It took about a century to eat, but I managed it with some help from the Greek gods who adored Alyssa and helped me survive these tough times.

When I finally arrived back, I realized how fat and triangular I was from that mountain. And since it had been a century, everyone I knew had been killed by Duo.

The end :)

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