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Hey guys!! Once again I'm back to update! I was bored and watched Naruto related videos on YouTube, I figured out.......well I already knew it, and said it to my sister multiple times.....HINATA IS AWESOME!!!!

Ze picture is Katsuo. Yep. His eyes are more of an olive than I liked but it was the best I could find.



I woke up, to what though? Screaming. Well....yelling....of a fangirl..... T.T

"Where is it?!" Kakashi yelled. Okay, It take fanigirl back..........

I got out of bed and dragged my feet to where Kakashi was yelling from. "Where is what?" I asked sleepily.

"My book!" he yelled. I sighed and looked at the time. 4:50........... "Holy shit!" I yelled running back to my room.

I slammed the door shut and ran into m bathroom. "Gotta get ready, gotta get ready" I repeated continuesly.

I turned on the shower while hopping from one foot to the other. I was waiting for it to warm up and finally it did.

I got undressed and jumped in. I quickly washed my hair and stuff and got out. I dried myself and got dressed.

I didn't bother drying my hair....or brushing it for that fact. I ran into my room an got my weapons and such.

I ran back out to Kakashi as he was still looking for his book. Yelling. "Kakashi!" I shouted. He stopped and looked at me.

I walked over to the table as he followed me with his head. I picked up his book. "You fell asleep with it on your face, I marked the page" I said throwing him his book.

He caught it and hugged it. "I missed you! It's alright, I'm here" he said walking to his room. He giggled like a girl.

I looked at him like he was psycho. (I spent some time looking at that word, questioning it's very existance....)

I got some toast and looked at the time. 4:57.......... "Bye Kakashi!" I shoutedd running out the door. He didn't answer, I wasn't expecting him to anyway.

I ran to the training ground and got there in time, right before Akira-sensei got there. "Good morning sunshine" Kei said placing his hand on my head.

He took it off and shook the water off of his hand. "I didn't have enough time to dry or brush my hair" I said. He nodded.

"Alright, I'm going to be testing your Taijutsu, Ninjutsu and Genjutsu skills, to see whih is your best" she said.

We nodded. "Alright, Taijutsu first" she said. We nodded as she stood in a stance. "Katsuo first" she said.

Kei and I jumped back so Katsuo and Akira-sensei had space to fight. He got into a fighting stance and stared at Akira-sensei.

He threw a couple of shuriken at her and she stopped them with her own. "I want you to come at me with the intent to kill" she said.

(Skipping his part......he sucks ass at Taijutsu by the way XD. I can only do things like that in the person who's fighting point of view....)

He was....ummmmm.......different? "You tried your best but I think you need practice" Akira-sensei said patting his head.

"Ichigo, your next" she called. I nodded and ran up to her. "Remember, the intent to kill" she said. I nodded hesitantly.

I grabbed out a kunai and swung it on my finger as I threw some shuriken at her. She jumed up and I followed her.

Troublesome BubblegumOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara