What A Day

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Hi again, I know I haven't updated i a while, but even though I know what happens I was stuck on how to play it all out.

Unlike the oters where I think about it day in, day out I hadn't thought about this one at all. *sigh* Well, here it is, the new chapter.



Ichigo's POV

I turned around and twisted up my blanket. I sat up in my bed and looked at the time. 6:00 am. I frowned and got out of bed.

I changed into my normal clothes and put my ninja sandles on. I grabbed my headband and tied it around my forehead under my bangs.

I left a note for Kurenai and jumped out of my window. I jumped from roof to roof and got t the trainig ground.

I decided to start training myself with Taijutsu. It was my strongest point but I haven't trained in a while.

I made a clone and started fighting. I maylok like aloner but would anyone be willing to train agains me, at 6 in the morning. No.

We threw kunai and shriken and dodged them all. I slid down to the ground on my hands and kicked my clones fooing from her.

She fell as I put a kunai to it's throat. "Your very good at Taijutsu" someone said from behind a tree.

I looked and found Asuma. "I learnt from my brother. What are you doing out here?" I asked.

"I could ask you the same thing" he said walking over to me. I smiled. "I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep" I said.

"Same. I saw someon training but I didn't know it would be you" he said. I sat down leaning against one of the posts.

He sat down next to me as I made my clone disappear. "I see you passed the test" he said poking my headband.

I nodded. "Yeah. That's when I got hit by a kunai and put in the hospital temporariy" I replied. He nodded.

"But in that one day you put quite an impact on Kiba and Shikamaru" he replied. I laughed a bit with him. "Yeah"

"Are you going to be a sensei?" I asked. "Secret" he shrugged. I pouted and made my ears twitch. I put my hands to my face and made a cute little face.

"Pwease tell me" I begged. He looked at me. "Don't pull that face" he said pushing my face away with his hand.

I fell to my side. "Hey" I whined. I sat up again and looked at the rising sun. "I should get back so Kurenai doesn't worry" I said standing up.

"Did you just jump out?" he asked. "No, I left a note on my bed but that's not the point" I said. He nodded.

"Yeah. Get goig, you still have to get ready for the academy" he said pushing me. "Alright, by" I waved jumping off.

I jumped from roof to roof again. I got back and climbed through the window. I put the note in my draw and went into the loungeroom.

I sat down and waited for Kurenai to wake up. Dn't ask what I was thinking about, trust me, my mind is retarded in a special way :3

Kurenai walked out yawning. "Your up already?" she asked. "Yeah" I said. She looked at me carefully. "How come your dirty?" she asked.

"I went out training" I said. "Well go get washed" she said. I nodded and took my headband off. She smiled at me as I ran to the bathroom.

I got undressed and stepped into my now warm shower. It was nice having the water wash away my worries then and there.

But sadly they wouldall come rushing back as I entered the classroom. I washed my hair and turned the water off.

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