Chapter 1 - Josette

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Josette arrived at the cafe ten minutes late.  She had stopped along the way to sign a few autographs.  The experience was still new to her and she simply couldn't refuse.  She knew he would be angry... or at least disappointed. She looked around, scanning the little tables concealed by colorful umbrellas.  At first she thought he left, but then she caught a glimpse of his dark hair.  He looked up and her eyes made direct contact with his.  Josette felt a quick flutter in her heart.  As always, the sight of him made her feel both nervous and excited.  He nodded in her direction and beckoned to her.  Josette approached him cautiously, and sat down on the empty chair by his side.

"You're late," he said dryly.

"I'm sorry," Josette apologized.  "I was stopped by two fans... they wanted my autograph."  She watched him from underneath her long dark lashes.

"Hmph... you are becoming quite the star," he remarked as he lit a cigarette.

"I cannot quite believe it myself," Josette gushed.  Then she noticed the dark look in his eyes.

"What's wrong?"  She was afraid to ask.

"I have to go home," he answered curtly.

"Why?"  Josette felt as though someone had pulled the rug from under her feet.  "Why now?"

"My wife... she wrote to me," he took a long drag and blew the smoke in concentric circles.

"But you said.... you said you were leaving her," Josette replied.  "You cannot leave me!  Not now!"  She grabbed his hand but he pulled it back.

"You knew there was always a risk that I'd have to go back to London," he muttered.  "Anne needs me."

"Anne?"  Josette raised an eyebrow. She was incredulous.  "What about meI need you!"

He didn't answer right away.  Instead, he looked around, to make sure they were not overheard by curious waiters or by other customers.

"Keep your voice down," he scolded her.  "We have to be discreet."

"Don't tell me what to do!"  Josette stood up angrily.  "How dare you!"

He grabbed her arm and pulled her back down.  She was shocked by his aggressiveness.

"Get a hold of yourself," he growled under his breath. 

Just then, the waiter decided to make an appearance.

"Bonjour Madame... Monsieur," he greeted them with a nervous smile.  "What can I get for you this morning?"

Josette was too upset to answer.  She had lost the little appetite she had. She gave a tiny dismissive wave of her hand.

He watched her closely, and then looked up at the waiter, ordering for both of them:

"Two coffees... black," he closed the menu gruffly. 

"Right away, Monsieur," the waiter answered, writing down the order. 

The waiter's eyes lingered on the beautiful blonde at the table. She wore the latest haute-couture fashion of the time:  a long-sleeved, slim lavender dress with a white lace embroidered top, and a matching large, broad-brimmed hat decorated with ostrich feathers.  She looked familiar to him, but he wasn't sure where he had seen her before.  As he walked toward the kitchen, the waiter let his mind do a quick alphabetical search for a name.

Josette felt warm.  Uncomfortably so.  She fanned herself with the paper napkin, but couldn't cool off.  She couldn't believe what she was hearing.  He was leaving her.  And he looked so... unstirred.

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