Chapstick challenge!

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This is just a short fluffy chapter,and this has absolutely NOTHING to do with the ORIGINAL storyline.Just enjoy,Im having a migraine >:(

"Umm hey Hawk?"


"D-do you do t-the chapstick challenge with m-me?"

By peer pressure, and looking at Travis and Lingling kissing each other's lips off,Rose finally got to the mall and bought EVERY.SINGLE.FLAVOUR.OF.CHAPSTICK available.

Now all she had to do was get Hawk to agree for the challenge, and lemme tell you her heart and mind were NOT on her side.On the other hand,Hawk looked like Rose had asked him to go commit murder,as he too,under peer pressure bought some chapsticks for them to try out.

He suddenly pushed Rose to the couch as he tried to flirt by-

"You took the words right outta my mouth princess"

"Ew that pickup lime was cheesier than a 5$ Caesar's pizza...But I like it.Now turn around thats the rule!!" she exclaimed as she pulled out a cherry flavoured one and rubbed it twice on her lips.Hawk was so needy for her kisses,as soon as she put the case away,he turned back and captured her lips in a sweet,yet needy kiss.His licked Rose's lips as to pick up on the flavour.To him all he needed was her lips,not any chapstick. But since it was a challenge, and he always wins challenges... He decided not to break his streak.

" it something... fruity?"he asked nervously as she nodded and kissed him once more to analyze the flavour...

"Mhmmmm...Is it...cherry?"he said as he licked it one last time,and his face lit up when she nodded and pecked him on his cheek.Now it was his turn,as he whipped out a cola one.It was a guilty secret,but he loved coca cola more than anything. Even Rose,nah just kidding he loves her even more.So after applying a thin layer so that it would be difficult for her,he put it back im his pocket as he thought

"The more difficult it is,the longer she'll kiss me.Am I a genius or whaT?"

He laid down as Rose faced him.Now being a princess,came with it's advantages.Needing to look prim and proper the while time,needed Rose to be a makeup guru,and by just licking his lip hard ONE SINGLE TIME-

"It's coke,isn't it?"

Hawk mentally scolded himself as he nodded like an idiot,as Rose made him close his eyes as she applied orange chapstick..

This affair went on for hours,more kissing and lip biting,and sniffing all in all resulted in Rose winning by identifying Hawk's hibiscus chapstick..But Hawk being the smooth motherfudger he was,he pinned Rose down to the couch as he said.

"You know what flavor I like best?"


"Cinderella Rose"he said as his mouth travelled to her neck,leaving small kisses and hickeys,as Rose blushed furiously, once again losing to the smoothness of Snowwhite Hawk.


I hope u liked it,IK im a bad author,don't leave me PLEASE im trying to improve,and im pathetic.

So,ummm,forgive me for being a perv,but...should I like.....add in some "mature" themes,if u know what i mean..Ot should I keep ot fluffy?Let me know in the comments!~<3

Jinia Chan

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