Will you....???

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Travis-Look,here's the plan.You can practice asking me out and when you're comfortable, you can go ask Rose.Deal?


TRAVIS-Let's begin...(in a girly voice) Ohhh,Hawk.You wanted to ask me something?

Hawk-Are you a magnet,Rose??

Travis-Why so you ask ??

Hawk-Cuz I'm attracted to you(winks).


Hawk-Rose would be perfectly fine with that.

Me-Suddenly..... someone appears behind them.

????-What would I be perfectly fine with?

Hawk-Ayeee....Rose....N-nothing at a-all...Hehe

Travis-He wants to ask you out on a date.🙄🙄

Hawk-(punches Travis to oblivion with the back of his hand......and blushes like crazy)

Rose-(giggling and blushing)Oh,there's this club that's opening tonight...On Earth..Do you want to go there with me ??

Hawk-Are you s-serious..

Rose -I mean,if you want to..

Hawk-OF COURSE I-I mean yes....Why not(blushes)

Rose-(blushes) Cool.I'll see you at the portal, then..Goodbye,Hawk.

Hawk-Goodbye, Rose.
Me-As soon as she left.

Travis-You're acting like you're about to get married.😎😎

Hawk-See,Travis.....If you weren't my best friend.....You would have been dead by now.....Run along to LingLing before I break your bones....

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