Bad News

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Me-They informed Clara,Dave and Cinderella... They had broken down..Especially since the day after was actually Rose's Coronation Ball....

Granny C-(Sitting beside her lifeless body)Oh how I wished to crown you Princess Cinderella.....and teach you Fairytale Magic.....All is gone now...Why is the bud nipped so early???(sobbing)

Me-Astoria was waving through books in the hope of finding a spell to break the curse,Lingling was interrogating the cafe owner of any strange incident,Joy was helping her.Travis was comforting the family while Hawk........He was just paralyzed .......Rose......The beacon of light...His hope....had been taken away from him.....When suddenly..

Guard 1-Your Highness,The villains.....T-they have returned to Regal Academy.... With Vicky..

Lingling-By the description.... It was Vicky

Granny Cinderella-Oh my...Guards..,Round up the Professors.. We're going to fight..For the honour of Rose...

Me-After they left.

Hawk's insides were bubbling with rage..He would get Vicky...he told himself..He would finish the girl if it gave Rose's soul peace...

Hawk-We have to fight back....

Astoria-You're right...To Rose.

Joy-To Rose.

Lingling-To Rose.
Travis-I'll get the dragon...

Me-They met Vicky at the portal gate...The villains were easy to get rid of,as they had not yet gotten their powers...And then they stood face to face...



Me-Hawk's magic bounced off her and trapped Travis in an ice cube.

Astoria-Tower Magic!!!

Me-The same..She got trapped in her own ivy vines..Worst of all,when Shawn went to attack Vicky with his sword,her hair seized Shawn and hug him in mid air..

Joy-Frog Magic!!!

Me-It just cursed Joy and LingLing to become frogs..Only Hawk was left..

Vicky-To make her happy,I only need the youngest Snowwhite.... soooo...PREPARE TO SAY TOUR GOODBYES....DARK  MA-

????-DON'T YOU DARE HARM HAWK..A girl's voice yelled.

Me-Hawk turned around....and was ecstatic....

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