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????-DON'T YOU DARE HARM HAWK..A girl's voice yelled.

Me-Hawk turned around....and was ecstatic....

Me- A blonde girl holding her wand , brandished it at Vicky,standing as a shield between Hawk and her Her eyes were glowing,her body was emanating an aura.........an aura of hope and love.

Yes,the girl was no other person...,...than Rose

Vicky- TRY AND STOP ME !!!

Rose- SUN MAGIC!!!

Me- The most unexpected thing happened.......The curse rebounded the power of everyone...while it broke through the barrier of evil magic and blasted Vicky..With Vicky gone,the villains were practically helpless..Well,except for her mother, The Evil Queen~I don't have a clue who her granny is~She blasted off "Evil magic"to which Rose replied with "Sun magic". Astoria,Hawk,Joy, Travis,Lingling and basically the entire school was anticipating the result.. Suddenly Rose began to rise up in the air,a pink shimmer surrounding her and as it was repelling all the purple and blue magic waves..Astoria's ivy vines let go of them,Travis became free amd kissed Lingling and Joy back to normal...While Hawk was gaping at Rose,motionless..Suddenly,he saw something like a crown float above her head and it vanished into thin air,and there was a blast of pink smoke BOOOOOOMMMMMM!!!!!The castle thundered....




Me-When the pink smoke cleared,Rose was on the floor again..So was the Evil Queen.. Hawk ran to Rose and started shaking her,

Hawk-(Tearily)Rose...P-please wake up...I need you.....I love you...Please...

Me-Taking advantage,the Evil Queen waved her wand at Hawk and....

Evil Queen-Dark Magic!!!!!

Nothing happened

Evil Queen-Why isn't it working???

Astoria-S-she used Sun Magic...Of course-it all fits....She must have used the crown's Resurrection Gem...and it's Sun power..Oh why didn't I think of this earlier.(starts to hit herself)

Shawn-Don't Astoria.... You couldn't have done anything...Besides the,Evil Queen is powerless....

Granny Cinderella-Guards,arrest her.NOW.

Guards-Yes Ma'am


Joy-Hawk....can you ......ummm...I don't know.....try and kiss her or something.... she may have a chance you know....after all flowers are not plucked this early from the bud....

Hawk-You're right Joy.......I have to try ......For Rose...

Me-Then Hawk knelt beaide her grabbed her by the waist,lifted her up to his face and kissed her....Blushing furiously, he felt her soft,but cold lips on his gentle ones..He began to deepen the kiss and snaked an arm around her waist and buried his hands in her blonde hair...When suddenly Astoria screamed.......

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