So she thought she would go back and be with her parents so that this emptiness would go away. She felt relieved after she met her parents, it was like some weight has lifted off from her shoulders.

But the weight in her heart didn't go away. It's like her heart wanted something but she couldn't get it.

She sighed and got up from her bed. She freshened up and went to the kitchen to eat something as her stomach was growling in hunger. Her mother said that she had prepared her favourite food and she looked at the food. She thought that maybe it's her favourite food and tasted it. Now she understood why it was her favourite because it is so tasty. She thanked her mother and ate until her stomach was full.

Her mother smiled at her and her thoughts immediately went to Siddharth which made her smile drop.

Anu talked with her parents and came to know about many things.....her school, her college, her education, her job everything. She learned many things about herself and that made her realise how much they love her.

She smiled for the first time in months and that gave her strength to deal with the situation.

In the evening she thought of taking a walk and went outside. She looked around while walking to see whether she can remember any places.

She walked a little too long seeing the places and when she took a right, she stopped in her tracks. She felt the place was familiar to her and walked towards it. It was a park and she felt like it was pulling her towards it.

She walked inside and saw watchman smiling at her. So indeed she know this place. She smiled at the thought that she knows atleast one place from her past.

She walked inside waving at the watchman and sat on a bench. She liked the park very much and she also felt a familiar feeling here. She sat there for don't know how long looking around until her phone rang.

It was her mother asking her where is she and that's when she realised that it has been an hour since she came outside for a walk. She hurried to her home and scolds herself for making her parents worry again.

She walked into the house to see two people, a boy and a girl sitting on the sofa talking to her parents. She felt like she had seen them somewhere and she realised that she saw them in the hospital.

" Hey Anu! Good to see you again....How are you?" Girl asked with a low voice and hugged her.

It was an awkward hug.

Anu hugged her back hesitantly and said she was fine.

" Hi Anu, how are you feeling now?" Boy asked cautiously and she remembered now that he was the one on whom she had shouted in the hospital.

" I am good, how are you?" She asked him smiling to clear the awkwardness.

He smiled at her a little and said he was fine.

But still there was awkwardness in the environment.

" I am sorry.....I wasn't nice to you people when you came to meet me at the hospital. You people are so came to meet me even after what I had done to you people. I am ashamed of my behavior, please forgive me and I promise that from now onwards I will be in my best behavior." Anu apologized feeling bad and her parents smiled at her.

They both looked at her blankly and didn't said a word.

"Why you both are quiet? Please say something." Anu asked gulping.

" Raj! Didn't I say to you that being quiet doesn't suit me? And what you said to me that day in the hospital she was about to slap me because of my too much of talking and told me to stay silent if I didn't want to get slapped today. She is our Anu.....our Anu, she can't even hurt a fly." Neha said and hugged Anu tightly while Raj glared at her.

WHEN THEY MET.....AGAIN ❤️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant