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It was a new day the sun shining and birds were chirping. Little sunrays were falling on a girls face none other than Lisa. Her eyes got disturbed a little bit and she tried opening her eyes. Struggle was seen as her heavy eyelids werent letting her see the light. Trying her best she finally opened her eyes. The first thing she saw after opening her eyes was a gorgeous roof having golden design print. She tried to get up and her brain was processing everything when she heard heavy voice.

Good morning, sleeping beauty. She tilted her head in sounds direction and saw Davies sitting on chair looking like a hungry lion with all his might.

Everything came back to her. She remembered how fiercely he took her and specially his angry eyes.

Davies stood up from his seat and loud footsteps were heard. Him coming close trigged fear in Lisa and she backed on bed like a scarred kitten.

Sta..y away Lisa spoke in broken voice.

Aww I wish I could my love but I couldnt. he said sitting on king sized bed feet away from Lisa as she got back the moment she saw him coming close.

Do you know how adorable you looked while sleeping. I hold myself back with great difficulty. I looked at you sleeping for almost 14 hours and trust me I wasnt bored for a single second. He said in husky voice with fire in his eyes showing his craziness.

Is he psycho? How can someone look at others sleeping? Lisa thought to herself but her eyes looking at his face confusingly. Her head was still dizzy.

Now tell me baby girl, why were you leaving country? he asked but with stiff voice giving shiver down Lisas body.

You are not my brother than why should I tell you where and why I am going? Lisa asked fisting her hands and fire in her hypnotizing eyes.

Little she was aware that the fire in her eyes is fuel for the hunger of devil sitting in front of her.

I can be everything for you my love other than being brother. Davies spoke his eyes never leaving Lisas face.

Ahh! Lisa spoke holding her head in both hands.

Does it ache love? Davies spoke with affection forwarding his hand towards Lisa.

Lisa slapped his hands away gaining proper vision.

You think my brother is unaware of everything. I told him all about your bullying. He would even know about me missing from airport. Lisa spoke staring in his sparkling eyes.

And how could that be? Davies asked as he was having fun teasing his doll.

I wasnt alone at the airport. My brother send someone with me. He must have told Charles everything. Lisa spoke with courage.

Oh my baby girl. Dead people dont talk. Davies spoke sarcastically.

What? Lisa asked blank faced.

I killed that basta*d as he was getting in my way. Davies spoke showing no emotions.

You killed... a person. You took his. life. Words came out of Lisa shaking lips and warm tears starting flowing from her beautiful eyes.

Dont cry love. Davies took her face in his big hands.

Lisa got more scared on his touch and started crying more loudly. The sight in front of Davies was killing him as he can never see her cry.

He wanted to do everything in his power to stop her from crying but more he tried louder her shrieks came. An evil idea came to the mind of hunter.

How about we play a game my love? He asked getting closer to her and pulling her towards him until there is few inches distance between them.

Lisa looked at him questioningly tears not stopping.

I will ask all of my members to come inside and start shooting until you calm down and stop crying. Seriousness was only thing Lisa understand in his voice.

Davies took out his gun from his back and that was the moment when Lisa lost it.

Her tears were falling and she was speaking but voice was so low almost unhearable. She started breathing heavily and pass out once again in his protective hold.


Short it is. I know. lets do a challenge.

''If my story reaches 100likes and if I have more than fifty followers in two weeks I will increase the number of updates in week. but if not I will update the rest chapter with another one but with a broken heart''