Chapter 5

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Mel had woken up to her mother shaking her.

"Honey, come on, wake up", she muttered.

Mel jumped awake,"What? What happened?"

"Oh, nothing to worry about. I just need some coffee. Be a darling and get some for me?"

Mel huffed in relief and grumbled out a 'yes'. Her mother had been up all night pondering over some important documents. She knew better than to make faces at her sleep less mother.

Mel set out with a coat wrapped tightly around her, the wind was especially cold that day. So far, The town seemed to be deprived of sunlight to her.

The delicious aroma of hot coffee consumed her whole as she entered the cafe. The cozy place was full of red-eyed, yawning people and smiling baristas.

After collecting her order, Mel turned to leave. Instead, she collided hard straight into a person, spilling the hot coffee all over them.

Her heart went into an overdrive as panic set in. Then, the stuttering started.

"Oh no! I'm so sorry- I'll grab some tissues- I didn't see- Good God-" she exclaimed loudly cursing and rushing to turn back around.

She was interrupted by the person chuckling.

"It's no problem, really" and she gasped when she realized that it was the man she met outside the grocery store a week ago.

"No, please let me get some tissues," Mel insisted and left to get some tissues.

She returned quickly, thanking the Almighty that she didn't trip again.

"Here you go", she said sitting across from him at the table set in the corner.

"Thanks" he smiled brightly.

"I'm so sorry", she apologized again as she looked at his angry red skin.

"Its alright, dont worry", he assured her.

Well, she thought, he seemed to be taking it very lightly.

"I met you the other day, didn't I?" He asked, with a boyish grin.

"Yes, I rescued the kitten", she replied, blushing. He certainly was good looking.

"Ah, Doe, she is doing quite well. She was adopted by the Danvers"

Even though she had no idea who they were she found herself nodding and smiling.

The pair started a conversation smoothly, she learnt that his name was Ethan and that he volunteered at the Animal Shelter whenever he found free time. He attended the same University near the town she was set to attend from the next term.

"Oh, that's great! Don't worry I will show you around the place. The people are all nice. Well, except Mr. Jenson. He's a bit of a jerk and he teaches the mandatory Health class." He said, as she chuckled at his words.

"So, you're fresh out of school, then?"

"Oh, no no. I attended the University back in my old town for Arts and I have one more year to go. But, my mother got a better paying job here and I decided to move with her."

He smiled and nodded. They lapsed into a comfortable silence. That's when all the questions about Rose came bustling into her mind and she was bursting with questions.

She decided to ask them and cleared her throat.

"Um hey I hear a lot of stuff about someone called Rose" she started, looking at him for a reaction.

Ethan stiffened slightly for a second before forcing a smile,

"Yeah, you look a lot like her", he said.

"Oh, Do I know that", she rolled her eyes,"Can you tell me what the whole thing is about? I have had a bunch of people tell me the same thing."

He looked a little lost in thought as she said that. Mel thought she had offended him, when he smiled at her and said,

"Ofcourse, but, let's go to the park. It might be a little less crowded."

She agreed and followed him.

. . .

A/n: quarantine really be crazy am I right?


Tell me how you find this one you guyss

See u in the next one


RoseDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora