- 3 - The accident

Start from the beginning

"You're welcome, Taon" I could feel myself blushing.

I felt like a creep.

"It's actually Taron" he corrected "Starbucks always gets names wrong"

"Oh sorry. But yeah, you're right about Starbucks and names" I rolled my eyes, laughing.

"Well thanks?" he nodded lightly and looked at me in question.

"Milly" I said.

"Have a good day, Milly" he winked before walking down the street, putting his earphones back in.

"You too" I said lamely.

Whew, what a man.

I was just about to head into Starbucks to pick up my Chai Latte and muffin when I heard a loud screeching noise and thump.

My blood drained from my face when I realised a car screeched to a halt and there was a man laying on the street.

It was Taron.

I ran over there and found Taron laying on the street, clearly hit by the car as his coffee was halfway spilled over his dark blue tee and jeans. His clothes were partially ripped.

The driver got out of his SUV and ran his hand through his hair.

"Oh fuck" he hissed.

I rolled my eyes at him "You think?"

I had a closer look at Taron and realised he was groaning, barely conscious.

"What the hell" I yelled

"I'm so sorry, I didn't see him and –" the driver said.

"Call 999" I yelled as I put my head on Taron's chest to check his breathing.

He was still breathing, thank God.

With a car like that hitting you, you might as well end up dead.

I did the only thing I could think off. I rolled Taron to his left side to stabilise him while the driver who caused all this called an ambulance.

Taron winced. He seemed to be in a lot of pain and was breathing shallowly.

"Hey, you'll be fine" I said quietly as I loosened my scarf and used it to wipe the blood from his nose.

"My leg" he groaned before scrunching his eyes closed.

It was awful to witness. From what I could tell his right leg was broken. His jeans were ripped at his calves and the bones were sticking out. Yikes.

I didn't really know what to do but the driver brought an emergency blanket to drape over his body.

He had wounds on his arms too, probably from the impact.

"It will be all right, the ambulance will be here in a second" I said quietly.

It was as if it was just the two of us.

Taron opened his eyes slowly and I glanced into his beautiful green eyes before they closed again and his body went numb.

I sighed as I regularly checked his breathing.

If I hadn't stopped him he might not even had been in an accident.

Why did I even care so much? He was a stranger to me.

The ambulance arrived and I had completely forgotten about my coffee. The paramedics checked his condition before putting him on a stretcher and an oxygen mask over his nose and mouth.

Taron groaned and it was as if that sound was ripping my heart into pieces.

I drove to the hospital with them. They would probably inform his emergency contacts soon but I wanted to be there. I blamed myself for the accident.

These few seconds when I stopped him and handed him his coffee might had been the reason for the accident. If he had crossed that road a few seconds earlier, this probably wouldn't have happened.

We arrived at the hospital.

"Do you think he'll be fine?" I asked worriedly.

"Yes, sure" the paramedic said "He might need surgery for his leg and we will check for internal bleeding, just in case"

"Okay" I let out a breath and could felt my body shaking.

Internal bleeding? That could be fatal.

"Are you his girlfriend?" he asked.

I shook my head "No I just wanted to make sure he is okay"

I felt even more like a weirdo now.

"Thank you for helping" the paramedic said and gave me a small smile "We got it from here but it's great to see people still care"

I smiled "Thanks"

I watched them as they wheeled him into the hospital.

A man I would probably never see again.

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