- 2 - Expecting

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And there I sat and felt unable to move. How was I ever supposed to make a decision that was so life-changing? And why did I feel like whatever I decided would be the wrong choice?

I got up and glanced at my watch. It was already 7 PM and Josh was probably already wondering where I was.

I walked to the Tube, too caught up in my pregnancy thoughts to recognise what was happening around me. It was all a blur until I arrived back home and unlocked the door.

"There you are" Josh said, sounding relieved "I have been wondering where you were"

I shrugged as I dropped my handback on the dresser. "Sorry"

"Don't worry, baby" he kissed me on the forehead before pulling me into a hug.

I sighed against him and felt tears welling up in my eyes. How should I ever tell him?

"There is something I have to tell you" I whispered, my voice quivering.

Josh's eyes widened with worry "What happened? Is it something about the results?"

I guess you could say that.

I nodded and gulped.

"Whatever it is, we can get through it together" he said quietly as he wrapped his hands around my waist.

My whole body felt cold before I spoke "I'm pregnant"

Josh's hands around my waist tightened and he smiled "We're pregnant?"

He was so excited and I had to crush his dreams. I was pregnant, but it wasn't his baby.

"Not quite" I said, not meeting his eyes.

His hands dropped from my waist and he crossed them in front of his body, frowning. Thank God he didn't yell at me.

"Let me explain" I said quietly "When I was at the gynaecologist for my routine appointment they mixed up my file with another patient's and they –" I paused "They accidentally artificially inseminated me"

"What?" Josh called as he ran his hand through his hair. "I have never heard anything like that before"

"I know" I deadpanned, still not meeting his eyes "But it's the truth"

And I could only hope he would believe me.

"I'm sorry baby" Josh's voice was calmer now "I can't believe this happened to you"

I sniffled "I know. I can't quite believe it either"

He put his hand under my chin and forced me to meet his eyes. "Come here"

He didn't look happy but pulled me into a hug "I'll be there for you through this"

I exhaled in relieve until he spoke "Did you get the meds yet?"

He let go of me and I frowned at him.

"Which meds?"

He looked at me as if I was stupid "For the abortion"

My blood drained from my face and I knew right there what I wanted.

"I don't want an abortion"

Josh blinked a few times and took a step back "What? Why?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. It feels wrong to do it"

"Wrong?" he raised his eyebrows "It feels wrong to keep it if you ask me"

I was disappointed at his reaction. Did that mean he would leave me no choice?

"I don't know what that will do to my body and I don't want to risk anything" I said quietly.

"But where does that leave us?" I asked

I needed certainty. Now more than ever.

Josh looked down. "I love you no matter what but –" he paused "I'm not sure about raising another man's baby"

Could I blame him really? Yes, I could. Because it hadn't been my fault I was pregnant. And it was my body and I decided to keep the baby. Wherever those thoughts came from.

I absentmindedly ran a hand over my belly and my heart jumped.

Josh exhaled "What about the biological dad?"

I looked at my fiancé, shook to the bone with my news.

"I met him earlier. They introduced us to – you know"

"To what?" he frowned.

"To get to know each other. Or just to get to talk in case –" I sighed "I don't know"

"Who is he?" Josh asked calmly.

I was surprised he was so calm after he basically told me to have an abortion.

"He's nice" I shrugged "He genuinely seems like –" I stopped.

He genuinely seemed like he would be a great dad. And that he wanted to be one, badly.

"Nice?" Josh repeated.

I nodded "Yeah. Him and his girlfriend couldn't get pregnant so they wanted to try this way and –" I shrugged "Well..."

I ended up pregnant, instead of his girlfriend.

Josh ran a hand through his hair "I – I think I need some time to process this"

I nodded as I watched him head towards our bedroom.

I stood there, in the hallway, and felt like crying.

Would I lose the love of my life over this? Was this baby really worth it?

But deep down I knew the answer to that.

Yes, it would be.

I knew there was one person I needed to call.

I rummaged through my handbag until I found my phone and dialled.

"Hi you" my friend Amanda answered "How are you?"

Her voice was so soft I just started sobbing right there.

I sniffled "I'm pregnant"

"Oh congrats!" she called "I didn't know you already started trying but this is great –"

I just pressed my lips together and shook my head

"It's not Josh's baby" I interrupted her before she could go on further over how great the news were.

The line went dead.

"Amanda?" I called.

"Still there" she said quietly "What happened?"

I told her everything and she sounded as confused as I felt.

"You're telling me you were accidentally artificially inseminated?"

"Yes" I said as I blew my nose "And that's not all"

"What else is there?" she asked in disbelief.

It was pretty much to handle, mainly for myself.

"It's Taron's baby"

We are stronger togetherTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon