4 - "Where I Stay".

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"we found each other in a cage Whatever happens, I know we'll find each other again".\ osir found each other in a cage whatever happens, ai know osir'll find each other again/.

Bellamy's POV.
Bell I'm sorry Ocativa says.
We didn't find any trace Lincoln says.
I nodded.
Brother I'm here Ocativa says.
It doesn't matter we got things to do where's Clarke? I said not looking at O.
She's with her mother Bell Please talk to me O says putting her hand towards me.

Chit do yu want me kom say? chit bilaik ai girlfriend ste probably most likely stedaunon gon em sacrificed herself so osir could live ona? I yelled.
Calm down Bellamy Lincoln says calmly.
I'm sorry let's go I nodded.
Kane what happened? I said as I frown as there's a gurney with them.
bell osir found her kane says.
Hope!??! I said as she was laying there all covered in blood and her skin was all burned up.
I cried.
Hope I whisper.
She's not waking up not once we don't know how long she was like this for Abby says.
Bell O says.
I'm fine I said.
I'll go instead Kane says patting my shoulder as Kane, Lincoln Ocativa and Clarke went to go check things out as Murphy, Jasper Monty and Raven went to find any trace of The nuclear power to stop this from happening again hopefully.

Pretend that Hope is Elena and they her body was covered in burns sorry couldn't get any other GIF.

Pretend that Hope is Elena and they her body was covered in burns sorry couldn't get any other GIF

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It's been 12 days Bell Kane starts.
No I'm not giving up there's a heartbeat she's alive I said.
Barley Kane says since we found her.
Where was she? I asked.
By a tree I'm thinking it was your two spot he said.
Bell go take a shower Please Abby says .
I sighed before agreeing and taking a shower.
Hey Bell Raven says.
I'll watch her she says.
Thanks Raven I said.
As I was in the shower I was thinking about Just everything.
As I gotten out and dressed I quickly made my way to the medical room as Raven was there talking to Hope.
I smiled before opening the door.
I'm hoping I'm not intruding I said smiling. Hope her smile is still there even during. I absolutely love that about her. I'll give you two a few minutes before we give her medication and change her bandages Raven says before walking out. Hope I Whispered as she reaches out to my hand. Her eyes are still very very red. I'm here bell she says her voice very raspy. I nodded as we kinda just sat ther In silence before she gotten her medicine and bandages changed. How is she Abby? I asked as Abby was packing up the things. She's alright we have no idea what the burns will do long-term or anything yet - Bellamy she says nodding for me to go in the hallway. I looked at Hope as she nods signaling it's okay. What? I said as Abby closes the door before looking hesitate to tell me. She's suffering Lower body pain and she's also having memory loss big time it may lead to a brain aneurysm or a worse within the next few months days hours - Even 30 years from now Abby says. What are you suggesting? I said biting my tongue.
About 25 percent of individuals whose cerebral aneurysm has ruptured do not survive the first 24 hours; another 25 percent die from complications within 6 months. People who experience subarachnoid hemorrhage may have permanent neurological damage - it's very shocking if she even has the body movements back. Maybe surgery but it's still more on the death side I'm sorry Bell if she's suffering especially her brain she may go brain dead and well you know the rest she clips the papers back on the clipboard. I looked down. Your suggesting me to kill her? I said after a moment. Look I know it's hard but i rather have her die now and have the pain she's suffering now which is already horrible then suffer more and have a brain aneurysm/tumor, Stroke or something we haven't seen before medicine only goes so far with major hits to the body and brain, if the brain can't provide basic stuff to the body then what's the chances of her life getting better?. Look just think it over okay? The therapist door is open if you feel like talking or needing an second opinion excuse me Abby says as she runs off. I cannot believe it Echo whispers . I'm Sorry Bell she says. What do you think? I said. I don't know there's always an if to every injury ever echo says. Just do what's best for her and not for you Bell I'm here if you wanna talk About anything echo smiles before walking away. I sighed.

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