XIII: Then

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*banner by Chibiicherry (Livejournal)

"Wanna get married tomorrow, Natty?"

I looked over at Bennet lying next to me, the moonlight doing beautiful things to his already beautiful face. I turned back to look at the starry sky, while the smell of the long grass of Shellman's field surrounded me.

"Sure," I said. "It's kinda stupid to get married now, but why not?"

"What's stupid about it?" he said. "We know we're gonna marry each other, why wait any longer?"

"Because we're 16. It's trashy to be married at 16," I said. "And just dumb."

He sighed. "It sounds fun though. Besides, I know you'd rather be Natalie Malene than Natalie Podger. It's a hell of a lot prettier."

Though he was absolutely right, I wasn't about to agree with him out loud.

"Yeah, because that's a good reason to get married, to change my name," I snorted. "All I hafta do is go down to the Kaysville courthouse and have it changed. Don't need marriage for it."

"Maybe, but I also know you're itchin' to marry me more than you're itchin' to get rid of your maiden name."

I grinned up at the moon and brushed the grass away from my cheek. "Well that's true, but not tomorrow . . . maybe next week."

"All right," he said with a grin.

"We gotta have enough time to get the church, you know." I shot him a sly smile. "'Cause I know the waitin' list is miles long."

He chuckled. "Right, which is why we're not gettin' married in the church."

"We're not?"

"Nope," he said. "Everybody gets married in that church."

"'Cause it's the only church in town."

"That's not true," he said, smiling away. "You always forget about the chapel on Reed Street."

"The Reed Street chapel? The one that's barely still standin'? The one that's been abandoned for, like, ever?" I said, propping myself up onto my elbows. That way I could look down at him, lazing on his back.

"Well, we'll have to fix it up a little, but yeah," he grinned, copying my position before pushing his nose against mine. "We'll be different."

I thought about it and when he rubbed his nose against mine a few times, I smiled. "Different's good. So you're gonna marry me in the Reed Street chapel?"

"I promise." He leaned in further and kissed me for a few slow seconds. "Nothin's gonna stop me," he whispered.

"'Cause Bennet Malene always keeps his promises," I said, grinning.

"Yup," he grinned back, kissing me again. "Bennet Malene always keeps his promises."

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