Warrior of the Abyss

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1 month later...

After Ezousia joined the Primordial council, let's just say Chaos and his/her two sisters/brothers were having the time of their lives.

Destruction, Chaos and Ezousia went about destroying and bringing chaos upon imbalanced planets, while End cackled and joined them. I meanwhile, had to hold them back whenever they went too far, which was almost always.

Today though, was my day off. Well... not really, as it was more of a task given to me by my mother Nyx.

You see, Luke from the alternate universe hadn't taken my advice and continued to help Kronos and had now poisoned Thalia's pine tree.

I did the usual jumping off night and plunging into the Void. I then  willed myself to travel fast enough to appear in another universe.

I appeared on Olympus. Guess what? The time of events in this universe were all wrong. It was the summer solstice.

Instead of being polite in a foreign universe, I decided to barge into the throne rooms.

"Sup?" I announced myself.

The Olympians looked at me wearilly, while Ares gulped.

"Warrior of the Abyss," Artemis recalled.

"Wait what?" Poseidon nearly exploded. "The abyss? As in Tartarus?"

As he said my uncle's name, the temperature dropped like the pit for a few moments.

I smiled at the old memory and title I acquired from it.

"Can you tell us?" Athena asked like a little girl. "Please?"

Poseidon snorted, causing Athena's face to red with anger. "He's my son," he boasted.

I growled under my breath. "The word father or mother is not meant for greek and roman gods. You're never there for your kids. You blame the ancient laws, but you having kids was breaking the laws in the first place. Next, you go around cursing people into monsters and have your kids, whom you never care about, deal with your mess. And LASTLY, YOU DON'T EVEN PAY CHILD SUPPORT AND LEAVE YOUR KIDS TO GET ABUSED AND FEND FOR THEMSELVES."

Poseidon was visibly shaking by the time I was done, while the rest of the gods looked down guilty. "The story?" Athena pestered.

I smiled and nodded.


P.S this is before Percy became a primordial, during the gap between my first and second books.

I was in Tartarus searching for possible allies, but for some reason all monsters seemed to avoid me. I'm guessing it's the aura I gave off after becoming the son of Night.

"Looking for a friend?" A deep and evil voice asked from all around me.

"Yeah, you know of any?"

Uncle Tartarus materialized infront of me, scratching the back of his head.

"I believe so," he nodded. "Be warned Perseus, what I have in mind is extremely volatile and dangerous. We Primordials ourselves find them hard to control."

I nodded, determination coursing through my veins.

Tartarus smiled proudly at me, the pit's, aura increasing tremendously. "If you complete this mission, the tittle of Warrior of the Abyss will be bestowed upon you. You must venture into the deepest parts of the pit. The highest security prison in the universe. The abyss of horrors. To cross the barrier, you must bathe in the river of the Abyss, earn it's blessing and make peace with the beings which recide in the prison. Beware boy, the beings here are among the most ancient monsters in existence, from different realms and planets."

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