First day of work

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Y/n: *changes and eats something fast* Chris I gotta go

Chris: can I go?

Y/n: i don't know..... I would love for you to go but I don't know!

Chris: I'm going!

(The bakers house)
Y/n: hi Tara. I'm sorry I didn't know if I was able to bring my friend Chris around but he can also help us with the wedding planing and he's a much better thing at this than I am. Like look at my outfit and then his!

Tara: no that's fine! And this is the bride Kate!

Chris: *sits down* ok lets start this!

Y/n: *sits down and listens to them and starts writing the things they are naming*

Tara: so what are you going for your weeding Kate?

Kate: more like a fancy kind of type wedding but also old school

Chris: so nice and a bit bougie?

Kate: yes

Tara: *pulls out fabrics and colors* do you like these? The pink and gray?

Chris: or how about Rose gold and white with a bit of hot pink? And a little dash of baby blue?

Kate: yeah that will look nice!

(4 hours later)
Y/n: *serves everyone tea* *writing*

Kate: this is all good so far!

Chris: yeah. The color choices are good and everything is fancy and old school too.

Kate: but what about center pieces?

Tara: why not like a normal center piece?

Y/n: or we can buy white vase's and break them and then get a gell type of thing that's also a bit of rose gold and blue and it will look nice and then just fill the Vase with flowers

Kate: yes!!!

Tara: where did you think of that?

Y/n: been planning wedding styles for when I get older.....

Tara: awwwww *gets a call* let me take this! *leaves*

Y/n: *gets up to go to the bathroom*

(In the bathroom)
Y/n: *fixes hair*

Cash: *opens door and walks in*

Y/n: I'm using the bathroom!

Cash: ok?

Y/n: ugh! *walks out*

(Kitchen table)
Tara: so I got another call for a wedding..... since I already took this one y/n can you help the other client? I'll pay you double!

Y/n: sure! *takes the phone and talks to the client*

(After the call and after working with Kate)
Tara: thank you so much! Since both of you worked for like 10 hours from 10 am to 7 pm let me treat you to dinner!

Chris: ok sure

Y/n: are you sure?

Tara: I'm sure! And why would I cook when James won't be coming tonight since he's staying over time

Y/n: uh ok then

Tara: but the boys will be joining too because they need to get out the house!

Y/n: ok!

Tara: Boys!

Maverick: yeah?

Cash: yes mom?

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