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Chris- Y/n, we can fix this, maybe we can offense less sluty? but still, give you that come and get it to look.

Y/n- *crying* this look

Chris- I like this look but what if you gave you that desired look. I don't want to see you hurt, but Cash and Mav are all over you!!! I would be ecstatic!!!!

Y/n- I don't want them to be...Mav is gross..... And Cash

Chris- Perfect...Hot.....Sexy.....EVERYTHING!!!! You like him I see it when you look at him. And I see it when he looks at you. You guys are meant to be!

Y/n- you think so...I mean Hell NO. He is Cash BAker to much for me and its weird.

Chris- I bet he's touched you *start putting makeup on Y/n*

Y/n- What?!?! NO?!?!? He has not!!!*blushes*

Chris- You're a terrible liar. But anyway let's go MAKEOVER SHOPPING!!!

Y/n- *looks at self in mirror* *smiles* *walks out*


Chris- okay so I thought you could get something you like and I would get some things I like for you of course!!

Y/n- okay I'll go one way you go the other?

Chris- meet me at the Starbucks in the food court, BYE SISTER!!! *walks away*

Y/n- *okay I could go to pink?* *SHIT, what the Hell was I thinking! I don't know what I'm doing*

Y/n- okay this store looks good, Hello anyone here?

???-Hello I'm Cassie what can I help you with?

Y/n- well I need a makeover that doesn't make me look...

Cassie- Sluty? Oh shit, sorry!

Y/n-yeah exactly... could you help me out here.

Cassie- Of course, I love makeovers!! Let's go!

*3hrs later*

Y/n- Thank you so much

Cassie- No prob... Come back soon!!

Y/n- thanks *leaves*


Y/n- *See's Sam with Alice* *gets sad*

Alice- Look who it is!!! It's little miss Slut!! *laughs with Sam*

Sam- Y/n Heard You got marked. I wonder by who?

Alice- Probably a stranger she is a whore after all! *laughs* *spills Pink drink all over Y/n* *laughs more*

???- Leave her the FUCK ALONE BITCH! *SLaps Alice, Punches Sam*

Alice- what the fuck Cash!!! I'm going to be hell in our life!

???- I Would like to see you try that with my brother!!

Cash- thanks Mav, but I think you need to get these people out of here!

Mav- No prob! *cracks knuckles*

Sam & Alice- *runs off*

Cash- you good Y/n? Let's get you cleaned up! *Pulls Y/n close takes her to the bathroom so she can change*

*outfit* (new one you just bought)

*outfit* (new one you just bought)

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