Seven - Close call

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Your eyes widen in shock. What's he doing here? How did he find you? Your heart is beating so fast. He's looking out and telling you to keep quiet.
Your face is so close to his. You can hear him breathing and his heart's in your face. You've never been so close to a man before. It's a weird feeling.

After what seems like an eternity he finally lets you go. You give in a huge sigh. What just happened?

Your eyes cross his, it's like he was someone completely different. You couldn't put your hand on it. He didn't feel like your friend, classmate, or even guard. He felt like much more than that. Your heart is still racing out of your chest.

You come back to your senses, your body unfreezes. Your eyes blink again.

you: what— what are you doing here?!
you said while putting your hands over your mouth in shock

johnny: I'm your ride home duh

you: i don't need—
how did you find—
have you been following me?!

johnny: to find you i need to lose you first, and i never lost you.

you: you—

Your eyes go empty, you're left speechless. You thought you successfully evaded everyone but apparently not him. Impossible.

johnny: you know how obvious it was when you walked out the changing room? no maid acts this suspicious. and no maid goes home in her uniform.

you don't know what to say so you give johnny a frown and pout.

johnny: but I'm surprised you were able to get around the city on your own. and you blended into the crowds pretty well. I'm impressed

As you hear the kind words exit his mouth you lift your head up and look at him. But before you could place a word in he says:
You need to be more careful of your surroundings, miss. Especially in these kinds of areas with these kinds of clothes on.

you: what do you mean?

johnny: Balenciaga hat, Gucci purse, Chanel earrings? do i need to go on? you do realize that you look like free walking money right? young helpless female who's alone in a closed up station going towards the rich part of town. It's like you're asking to get robbed.

You found his words quite harsh. But he was right. You realized you didn't know much about the outside world. You grew up in a palace, cooped up in a room. So you look down feeling apologetic.

johnny: a gang of 3 guys were after you just now. that's who i saved you from. one had a knife. they were planning on circling you into a dead end. you could've gotten seriously injured, miss.

Is he worried about me or yelling at me? You couldn't tell. It shocks you how well aware he was. Even while watching you. How can someone pay such attention to small details?

you: i get it! I'm sorry. i'll be more careful. i won't go out anymore. i'll just stay in my room.

You said this in such a sad tone and started tearing up because of what could've happened to you. But you had such a good day for once. Must this be your life? Confined inside 4 walls? Never get to know people?

A tear rolled down your cheek, you moved your hand up to dry it but as soon as you did you felt his hand on your face first, beating you to it.

You're shocked again. Just a second ago Johnny was yelling at you and now he's drying up your tears? He's so confusing.

johnny: come, let's go home.

He took your hand and walked you to his bike. This view was something familiar. Seeing his back and feeling his touch. You felt safe, you felt protected, and you felt ...

what was this new feeling?


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