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"Here we are," Holden said, spreading his arms out as if we had just climbed Mount Everest, when really we had only walked for about an hour. By now we were far off the hiking trails, we always relied on our memory to get back, I mean with seven people we can usually make our way back. This 'magical thing' Holden found was deep in the woods and surrounded by trees that touched the sky and were probably hundreds of years old.

Holden was leading so none of us really saw what was in front of him, but the smell hit before we could even look at it. It smelled like death, the smell was so horrible it almost seemed impossible that we didn't smell it until now.

"Dude what the fuck," said Paris as we all pinched our noses, but despite saying that he still got closer to the smell. Soon enough we all stood around the dead animal while pinching our noses, well all except Sera who said she might throw up if she got any closer.

"You brought us here to see a dead deer?" Paris asked sending an annoyed look towards Holden.

"Yeah, but look that the indents on its neck, there's only one thing that could do that."

"A vampire? What would a vampire be doing in Whittier?" I asked, sure everyone wanted to be a vampire, but they were still killers. Vampires were allowed to kill only a certain amount of people per year, they kept track of everything. No one knew the exact number, all we know is that once that's up they can only kill animals or get blood from blood banks.
Although with rules, there are always those that break them.

"Okay guys this is just creepy, let's go," said Abigail grabbing onto my arm tugging on it slightly. The rest of us started to follow her lead but Paris and Holden stayed next to the rotting corpse, they now had sticks in their hands poking at the flesh. "Guys stop come on I don't like this." But they paid no mind to her and continued poking and laughing.

"Come on Abby, the flesh is already decomposing, whatever was here is long gone," Holden said stopping to look at the rest of us, we were all huddled up in the corner where we came from ready to start our walk back. When none of us moved he threw his stick to the ground, "fine, let's go, but you have to admit it's cool, when are we ever going to see something like this again in Whittier."

The walk back was quiet, most of us a little perturbed at what we saw. Sure being a vampire would have its perks, but killing something with your own hands has to be scarring. Blood had always scared me, when I was younger I could never watch anything that involved blood. On the other hand dead things never really did, as long as there was no blood I was fine.

"Do you think it was just one? I mean they really sucked that thing dry. Do they really drink that much blood?" Sera asked as we walked, she was holding hands with Lola, while me and Abigail did the same.

"I just don't understand why they would be in Whittier, I mean they're like the FBI what could they possibly want here?" Lola said, the leaves continued to crunch underneath our weight as we stepped on dead leaves and fallen sticks.

"Do you think it's a rogue?" I asked squeezing Abigails arm a little. Rogue were vampires who were just that, rogue. They lived and traveled alone, they aren't encountered very often, they keep to themselves, but people who do see them say their savages. It is said that they kill just for sport and always kill more people then their supposed to, they do things how they want and when they want. Vampires usually live in groups, just to keep each other in order, but some vampires don't like being told what to do.

"If it was let's hope he's gone, if he did that to a deer I don't wanna see what he would do to us."

I nodded slightly feeling slightly relieved that we could now start to see that building complex. But as we got closer we could tell that something was wrong. A group of people stood that the entrance of the building, they seemed to be talking to a policeman.

"There they are oh my god." I heard someone shout, soon enough I had arms wrapped around my body, it was Mrs. Gladstone. "Where have you been, I called Abigails mother and she said you were at Holdens and when we went there you guys weren't there."

"We went down to the creek, what's going on?"

"There was a accident in the hotel," She said, "something came inside we still don't know what it was. A couple of us rode with Jenny today so we got here at the same time and when we walk in there was blood everywhere, whatever it was killed Gerald."

Gerald was the receptionist in the building, he was an older fellow and knew everyone here by name.

"Are you okay?" I asked her putting my hand on her shoulder, comforting wasn't my forte.

"Yeah I think everyone is just a bit shook up, and why were you at the creek that this time? I've told you a hundred times I don't want you out at night." She said in a calm voice. She only really seemed to have one tone, calm. I wonder what my real mom would have said to me, she probably would have grounded me and yelled at me, but not Mrs. Gladstone.

"It's Friday we just wanted to relax for a bit," I hoped everyone kept their mouth shut. If they found out about what we saw in the forest they'd never let us out again.

"Acacia, come here," I hear Paris call out to me. I look at my caretaker one last time before I head over to Paris. "I told my mom we would be by the entrance sign, since I'm pretty sure none of us want to see Geralds lifeless body being dragged out."

"Good idea," said Jace putting his hands in his pocket. Everyone's eyes were slightly red, they had known Gerald for most of their lives, I on the other hand didn't have that stronger of an attachment to him, but it was still sad.

"Do you think the same vampire that killed that deer killed Gerald?" Abby said, her voice full of fear.

"We don't even know for sure it was a vampire, Mrs. Gladstone said they thought it was an animal." I said trying to calm not only her but myself as well. "We shouldn't even be talking about this, if they hear us we'll all be grounded. I say we just don't go back there during the night just to be sure."

"I agree," said Lola slightly raising her shaking hand.

"Let's just stay here, they said there was blood everywhere and I don't wanna be near it."

We stood there for what seemed like hours, some of us leaning on the welcome sign while the others sat patiently on the road.  All I could think was about the dead deer and now Gerald, what ever killed them was probably still in the area. I just hoped that they didn't come back.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2020 ⏰

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