Whatever It Takes | Anakin Skywalker

Start from the beginning

"What do you mean?" His blue eyes burned holes as he stared into your soul, voice tense as was his body. You gulped as his grip on your upper arms tightened a bit, not exactly uncomfortable but borderline worrisome. "Anakin, what happened at the Temple?" You flat out asked him, seeing his eyes cloud over with anger as his arms dropped to fall by his sides. "I was protecting you." He simply replied, voice hard and almost emotionless as he stared at the ground and refused to meet your gaze. "By slaughtering younglings? Anakin, tell me the truth. What happened? Why did you kill everyone?" You pleaded, your hands itching to reach out and grasp his hands in yours but holding your yourself back. He clenched his jaw and averted his gaze to the lava flowing in the distance, the orange and red flowing like a river down the hill and under the landing pad and building. "It was to protect you, Y/N." He was getting frustrated with you never ending questions, you could tell. "What do you mean?" You asked, exasperated at his non detailed responses as if he didn't want to say why he really did it. "You were going to die, Y/N. I had to stop it, I had to embrace the Dark Side to save you." His voice was raised as he pointed his index finger at you, face hard but you could see the glimmer of emotion wanting to break free in his eyes. He stepped closer in his rage, only a couple of feet between you both as your mouth dropped open.

"I-what?" You asked, dumbfounded at hearing you were going to die. "I was going to die?" You whispered, no longer looking at him but your gaze falling to the ground as your hands fiddled with each other in front of you. "I had a vision," his voice was lower now and far less aggressive, "the Council was to send you on a mission. You didn't make it back." His voice cracked, the first real emotion he had showed since you arrived. Your eyes watered as you looked at him, hair flowing in the wind and his hands clenched in fists by his sides. His gaze was stuck on the ground in front of you as he sighed, his tongue darting out to lick his dried lips. "You didn't make it back to me." He whispered a few seconds later, more to himself than anything but you heard him. Your heart broke as you smiled sadly at him, finally having the courage to reach out and grasp his arms in your hands before sliding down and weaving your hands together. "Anakin, look at me." You whispered, he gulped and shook his head as he kept his gaze on the space between your bodies. "Anakin, darling." You swallowed the bundle of nerves in your throat as he waited a moment, finally lifting his head to meet your soft gaze as his blue eyes sparkled with unshed tears.

"Death is a part of life, Ani. You can't change that, no one can. Dark Side or not, everyone dies. I'm gonna die one day, Obi-Wan's gonna die, you're gonna die, it's gonna hurt," you began, seeing him fight back tears but his bottom lip quivered slightly, "but it's gonna happen. Anakin please, come back with me. It's not too late." A tear slipped down your cheek without you meaning to, Anakin's gloved hand coming up to wipe it away as he cupped your jaw in his palm. The ends of his mouth just barely curled up into a smile but you caught it, seeing him on the verge of accepting and joining you. But movement caught his eye, his soft gaze falling from your eyes and snapping to the opening of the ship behind you. His face hardened again and you knew you had lost him, turning your head to see Obi-Wan in a power pose with his hands on his hips as he stood at the top of the ramp. You turned back around to see Anakin stepping back from you, a glare on his face as he fumed at his former master before turning his fury to you. "You turned her against me?" He shouted, turning to where Anakin was at your right and Obi-Wan was approaching your left, walking down the ramp and stopping at the end as he watched his former padawan. "You have done that yourself." He fired back, his gaze turning to you as yours turned to Anakin's, his nostrils flared as he clenched his hand into a fist.

"Anakin, please. I didn't know he followed me here." You begged, Anakin was pacing but stopped abruptly and snapped towards you, his hand raising as he pointed accusingly at you. "Liar!" He yelled, his hand cupped the air as he turned his anger to you. You clutched your throat and suddenly it was harder to breathe, the air leaving your lungs as you gasped. "Anakin, release her!" Obi-Wan's voice pierced the tense air, hearing him approach your side as his hands hovered over your arms not knowing how to help. "No, you turned her against me, this is your fault!" Anakin yelled to Obi-Wan, squeezing his hand together more and feeling your throat constrict even more as you fell to your knees. Your gaze stayed on Anakin, your hands grasping at your throat as your eyes watered. "Anakin, please." You whimpered out between passing breaths, Obi-Wan standing beside your kneeling form as you gasped for air. "I'm pregnant." You squeaked but Anakin didn't hear you over his anger, but Obi-Wan did as his eyes went wide and he kneeled down next to you. "Anakin! Anakin, stop, she's pregnant!" He wrapped an arm around your shoulder as Anakin's eyes went wide, his lips parting and his face frozen as your heart raced.

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