6) Captian Byralnus (Ferionus species)

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6) Captian Byralnus (Ferionus species)

7) Ferionus species

8) First Mate Jirabi Malba (Kelpar species)

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8) First Mate Jirabi Malba (Kelpar species)

9) The Kelpar species

10) Ekirbai (Quibeek species)

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10) Ekirbai (Quibeek species)

11) the Quibeek species

12) Heva Belnag (Terilli species)

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12) Heva Belnag (Terilli species)

13) the Terilli species

14/15) The Rhaa species

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14/15) The Rhaa species

16) PPF Officer (Major) Lliui Iuill Lliui (Stram species)

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16) PPF Officer (Major) Lliui Iuill Lliui (Stram species)

17) Stram/Strammart species

I hope you guys enjoy my pictures! Once again, if you have any questions or anything, please feel free to ask!

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I hope you guys enjoy my pictures! Once again, if you have any questions or anything, please feel free to ask!

And... I probably don't really need to say this, but just for those plagiarists that might be out there- all these pictures, drawings, and concepts are original to me and belong to me. I actually think fan art is pretty cool, so if any of you guys are artists and feel inspired to draw something relating to this story, It would be my pleasure to publish it along with a chapter and give you a shoutout! 🤩

Guys play it safe out there... things are getting kind of serious with the whole virus thing. I really hope all of you are doing okay and in good positions to weather this through. Please be wise and cautious!!

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