"Alright lil eggplant, seems the rest of the instructors think that learning from me could be quite taxing for a new student. So in order to test your resolve, I should give you a test. I believe you will be able to overcome my test, what do you say?"

"I will try my best, Lady Altia, um....master!"

"Ah! That does have a nice ring to it, doesn't it! Anyways, report back here tomorrow morning at 8. We will set off for the test. That is all!"

"Yes master!"

Raka bowed and left.

Raka stood on the street thinking. Lady Altia had said they would be setting off for the test but he he did not know where. It couldn't be outside the village as there was an age restriction but he hadn't checked whether it was still there. Maybe 5 years old was old enough here.

Raka walked to the east gate and encountered that same invisible wall as before.


You are not allowed to leave the village. You are not old enough!


'It will be somewhere in the village then.' Not sure of how to prepare for the test or what it would involve, Raka simply thought of stocking up on some food for tomorrow.

Raka entered Neona's store. Neona saw him and flashed a smile and then resumed attending to her customers. There were quite a few people in there so Raka simply stood outside. Thinking what he should do now, he sat down in front of the shop and started eating his last apple. After some time, while he watched the comings and goings of several customers, Neona came outside and invited him in. She gave a warm smile and offered Raka some juice, made of a fruit local to the island. And they started talking.

Neona asked Raka about the school, and Raka started telling her everything, from the spar he witnessed to his request for being taught by Lady Altia and Verina, to the test to be conducted tomorrow morning. Neona listened patiently while Raka rambled about what he saw and felt.

"Hmm, lots happened and lots are waiting to happen as well. But you should always keep hope. I will pray that you succeed." Neona said with a warm smile after he finished his ramblings.

Thinking she was the gentlest person he ever met, he thanked her for her prayers.

He asked her for some food to help him in his training. She gave him several apples and other fruits and some of her delicious pie.

"Thank you for being so kind and always taking care of me. It seems like I always trouble you! Is there something I can repay you with, though I do not have any money."

"That's no good. What's up with being poor?!" Neona said.

"Um......." Raka fidgeted, not sure how to answer that.

But then Neona laughed,

"Hahahaha, sorry I was just kidding. You don't have to pay me any money. I do it because you seem like a good person. Well if you want to repay me anyway, I would like you to listen to my story for a bit."

Raka nodded happily. "Ofcourse. Anything for you."

Hearing that, Neona blushed a little. But nodded her head and then cleared her throat.

"Um...this is a story of before my father died. I used to dream of becoming one of those adventurers who travelled far and wide and came home to tell stories of far away lands. My father, who was in the army, used to travel far and wide on the nation's business. When he came home, he always used to tell me the wildest stories.

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