Chapter 25: Experiments and Results

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Please Note: Statements between % something in italics % are game system messages. 


The four starting islands of Long Island were Ilmentia, Dalmund, Brittanica and Khardoum. Just like Ilmentia looked like ancient roman civilization so did the other islands resemble ancient earth civilizations. Dalmund was similar to the Germanic tribes, Brittanica the English and Khardoum was similar to the Egyptians. How closely did they resemble these ancient civilizations was a matter of debate. Although it would be safe to say that the clothing was similar.

And like Gurrow village, all the villages where players started were guarded by an Age barrier. Dalmund had the earliest Age limit at 12. Ilmentia and Brittanica opened up at Age 14. Khardoum had an even higher Age limit. It opened up at 15. And it seemed that very recently it had finally opened up to a single player who had reached Age 15 in the Hebenu village, the starter village of Khardoum kingdom.

Swamy was looking at a forum post titled "Difficulty C quest" posted by someone named Thadian. The contents of the post were...

"I reached Age 15 yesterday and headed out of the village to go to the capital city of Fayyum. Not going into much detail but I just found a quest with difficulty C. Unfortunately I died, failing the quest. I have tried asking around but it seems that no one has yet encountered a quest with a higher difficulty than D+. So I was wondering whether I wasn't the first one to discover it.

Thinking back on the quest though, I think this was a quest specially for the first person to leave the village. Did the other villages also have something like this?"

Lots of people had seen this post and a few had asked questions also. But mostly there were no replies as there would only be like 4 people who could have answered that question. One of them was Swamy.

'Ah a kindred spirit.' Not very long ago Swamy had encountered a difficulty C quest. It was more luck than anything that he survived it. Lady Altia's blessing had played a major part in this. Though the difficulty was C and he had luckily survived, Swamy didn't think that it was harder than a D+ quest. Perhaps because he had survived, he could afford to think so.

'Maybe you need to have the right set of blessings or equipment or training to survive this C difficulty quest. But that would depend more on luck than anything else I suppose.'

Swamy posted his own reply. He generally avoided this but he had felt a strange camaraderie with this Thadian, whoever he/she was.

"I also encountered a difficulty C quest when I left Gurrow village. Fortunately I survived. It eventually led to the Capture the Beastmen and pirate subjugation quests, both of which were D+ difficulty. I suppose this kind of thing would have happened in the other islands as well seeing that it already happened in Ilmentia and Khardoum."

He then put his laptop to sleep and started getting ready for college. He still hadn't found any information about Sea Gods.

Lunch time...

Another exam over. Though Indian universities followed the semester system (6 months) and not the term system (4 months), examinations usually happened during the 5th month. The time afterwards was dedicated to project work or similar things with about a week to 10 day holiday between two semesters. Well education was still being experimented on by the authorities that be, in order to determine the average amount of time needed to study something. While that may be going on, it was the end of semester examinations at the University of Bangalore.

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