Chapter 15: Demonic Doppelganger

Start from the beginning

(Chiliad)"What the??? Uh, h-hey! You alive?!"

(???)"U-ugh...where did I-huh?! You!!!"

He threw a punch at Chiliad, who caught the fist without even trying.

(Chiliad)"Hey now, I don't know where you came from, but don't go starting fights. Now, what is your name?"

(???)"U-Um... It's, Chiliad."

(Chiliad)"But that's not possible, because I'm Chiliad! You have my face, but your body is entirely different. What happened to you?"

(???)"Well, it's a long story..."

("Chiliad's" Narration)

So basically, I came from an alternate timeline where the Saiyan Kakarot managed to defeat me. I had only sent Vegeta and Nappa to retrieve the Dragon Balls, but ended up killing the Namekian whose life was connected with them. Vegeta was the only survivor, and we decided to go to the planet Namek to collect theirs. Let me tell you, it was a warzone for three months.

First of all, there was this other Saiyan named Turles who made it there before us and planted the Tree of Might, we fought for nine days straight. The Ginyu Force was gone, Zarbon and Dodoria were dead, everyone was gone but me. Then Kakarot arrived with his friends a while after I managed to kill Turles, and we were evenly matched as well! One thing came to another and I ended up triggering a transformation in his called 'Super Saiyan', and he threw me around like a ragdoll. When Father found me, I was nothing more than a pile of meat, but he got his best scientist and doctors to reconstruct my damaged body.

We then returned to Earth, and took it over before the Saiyan arrived, and we made short work of him thanks to the power boost I gained from these cybernetics. Things were fine, but then this, horrifying being showed up. He looked just like us! But his was greater than mine! He killed anyone he crossed his path, there's only a handful of my men left.

(Chiliad)"On Earth?"

(F-Chiliad)"No.... In the universe. There's only me, a couple hundred Humans, and several soldiers left in the entire universe!"


(F-Chiliad)"That's right, he had blown up every other planet in each and every galaxy, leaving just this planet. He sure took his sweet time, too. He would raise a town to the ground, leave somewhere, and do it again at random. Luckily, the few remaining scientist managed to install a mini time machine in my chest here!"

He pointed to the shiny plate, then opened it revealing a blue canister.

(Chiliad)"That's a time machine? In your own heart?"

(F-Chiliad)"We don't have much to work with, I'm lucky this thing got me somewhere other than here!"

(Beerus)"Hold up! You said you invented a time machine just now, didn't you? Why didn't the me in your time stop this serious crime?!"

(F-Chiliad)"Well...I don't know what he did, but the other, other me managed to kill you."

(Beerus)"Wh-What?!? I'm dead!!?"

(Cooler)"How could a God of Destruction be killed?!"

(Whis)"I can give some explanation. You see, a Destroyer is spiritually bound by their universe's Supreme Kai, meaning that if in dies the other will, too. And for some reason, that universe's Angel, like me, goes into an eternal sleep until a new set of Gods are selected."

(Chiliad)"So what you're saying, is that Wyndolyn's dead, and the other God's are gone? Meaning this crazy version of me is killing everyone without a care in the world?"

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