31. Out of the Sky

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Together the group walked up the stairs to the main palace where the sanctuaries of the kung fu warriors were treasured. Po was nervous and gnaw on his nails. He gave Shifu an unsure look from time to time. What should he say now?
The big gates of the palace were opened and the group entered.
"It's an honor for us to welcome you in our halls of the glory", Shifu started and walked in first.
Po followed them and cleaned his throat. "Oh, yes... this is the pantheon of the biggest warriors of kung fu. If you want, I can tell you all the stories about them."
"We want to hear the story of yours," Gang said.
"Mine?" Po looked around. "Uh, eh... well, my destiny of to be the great Dragon Warrior was a very interesting way... with uphill battles."
He swung his fists and started his version of his beginning as the Dragon Warrior, with some exaggerations.
"The training was hard," Po came to the end of his story. "But with the help of the best kung fu teacher Master Shifu, I learned to handle the kung fu in my best way. Until I stood in front of my first enemy, which I had to defeat."
He made more jumps and lifted his paws in an attacking way. "Short silver fur, dangerous eyes, the coldness was written in his face, in short pants, claws and teeth."
He made a few steps aside and came closer to the side of the hall and looked at a leopard looking figure.
"Yes, something similar like him, just bigger, eh... Wait. Are you a part of our glory hall?"
Suddenly, the leopard moved and hit the panda in the face. All of the group shocked when more leopards came from all sides.
"How can you dare to break in this holy place?" Master Shifu cried with anger.
The red panda avoided a flying object which came in a close second and shattered on the floor.
Meanwhile, the intruders had circled the group. The biggest cat stepped forward in front of Po.
"Where is he?"
Po looked at him contritely. "Who do you mean?"
The leopard growled. "Lord Shen."
"Aren't you the one who attacked the dungeon of Gongmen City?" Mantis asked.
The leader didn't answer his question and flashed his eyes at the panda, who had no idea what he should say now.
"Um, Shen? Shen, well, he is somewhere. I don't know where. He is away from the house."
The leader became angrier. "Talk!"
Po gave Shifu a help seeking look. Shifu turned around and gave the five friends a sign. The Furious Five understood. For a moment, there was silence, but suddenly...
An outcry filled the hall. The Furious Five had left their positions and hit and kicked with their fists and feet around like devils.
After a second, Po woke up from his torpor and started an attack like the others. Shifu partook. Even Gang and Dong understood the gravity of this situation and defended themselves with all available means.
Their martial art is not bad, Po thought.
Just Gong hid himself under a table. The leader of the cats concentrated his energy on Po. He believed that he exactly knew where the peacock was and hunted the panda through the whole hall. Po had the chance to make an overview about the situation, and jumped on a stature.
"Hey!" he cried. "I'm the one who you are looking for and who should give you information, aren't you? Let these alone and fight against me, the Dragon Warrior!"
He had not finished his words yet and the leopards jumped at him like cats at a mouse. Po was scared at the sight and ran through a window outside near of the roof.
In the yard, Mr. Ping was busy to sell the plush pandas, until a pig pointed at the palace.
"Hey, look at this!"
All people looked up and saw the Dragon Warrior followed by many big cats.
"Is this part of the festival?" someone asked.
Mr. Ping didn't know what to say and thrust a plush panda into someone's hand nervously.

"Is that all what you can give?" Po asked with puffing.
"Tell us where he is!" the leader ordered.
Of course, Po didn't know it and decided to make a little run. "Catch me!" And disappeared behind a wall. The leopards after him.
"Okay, okay, Po", Po said to himself while he ran beside the palace wall. "Think about it, what can I do with so many attackers? AH!"
A sharp hit behind his back let him run faster. He had to lead them away from the palace. Only with that the others would be in safe. All city people were in the palace yard. The village was the only place where he could fight with them without risk to hurt someone.
After this decision he took a sharp curve and ran down the stairs of the mountain.
"Stairs!" The Dragon Warrior panted. "I hate stairs!"
It took a while until he had reached the first houses of the village and jumped on a roof. But the attackers didn't let throw off and climbed on the roof.
"Always keep calm", Po said to himself and jumped at a higher roof, which was one of the largest houses in the village. "Couldn't we talk about it at least?"
Po stopped and had to make a break after his marathon.
The leader took his chance and made a gigantic jump. Po was going to avoid him, but suddenly, something fell down from the wall and crashed against the leopard. The leader fell back and hit against his followers and down the street.
Po looked at them in confusion. He realized a movement and turned around. For a moment, he was speechless. But then, he jumped forward and hugged the familiar white in dark gray robe clothed person.
"I knew it!"
"No hugs, panda!"
The lord pushed him away brutally and pressed him on the roof. "That's still something between me and you! I just came to make sure that I can defeat you first before someone else does. Get it!?"
Po gasped for air before Shen let his throat free again.
The panda coughed. "O-kay."
Shen released him completely and stood there like a lord used to stand in his pride.
"These furred types attacked the palace!" Po reported. "They are looking for you!"
Shen gave him a callously look. "I know."
"Why are they looking for you?" Po asked more.
"It doesn't concern you, panda", the lord warded off his question. "But it's my concern to bring it to an end." He made a little break. "But I think, I can't handle it alone."
He looked at Po and the panda understood.
"Alright", Po said and pressed his fists together. "What shall I do?"

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