♡♤MC x Asra - A Whole New World♤♡

Start from the beginning

The portal behind that door was anything but the realm of the Arcana. It was an angry, endless void of swirling colour. 

And it was strong.

As soon as the door opened, the portal began to suck MC in with such force, they had no hope.

They shrieked and clung to the frame as their body was pulled in.

"MC!!!" Asra shouted as he rushed to the door. The magic didn't affect non-spellcasters. It didn't want Asra.

MC's left hand slipped.

"Asra!" They cried out, as they looked into his frightened eyes.

"Take my hand!" He shouted as he tried reached through the portal.

But it was no use. 

His hand was stopped by some invisible force that prevented him from passing through at all. Not even a finger could cross.

MC's right hand soon let go, only to barely catch on the handle of the door.

"Asraaaa!" They called out again.

Asra was pounding his hands against the invisible wall, trying desperately to break through. Not even his magic could save MC now.

"Asra!!" MC called a final time as their grip on the door slipped. "I love you!"

"MC!!" Asra screamed, tears streaking down with cheeks as he watched them spiral through the portal, fading.

When they were out of his sight, the door slammed shut and the gate began to fade.

"Nononononono..." Asra cried frantically, his hands grasping at the fading frame.

When it disappeared, he fell to his knees, sobbing.


For weeks Asra tried to recreate the spell with no luck. Not a single door appeared. He just didn't understand. They had said every word perfectly. They did everything right, so why did things go so wrong? Why couldn't he get the same results?

Asra was a mess.

He didn't sleep, he didn't eat. He closed his shop to anyone else. 

Muriel was the first to notice.

He had a feeling something was wrong and he begrudgingly made his way through town to check in on his friend.


"Go away!" Came Asra's voice from inside.

"Asra, it's me. Open up." Muriel stated.

With no reply, Muriel tried the handle. 


"Asra, let me in."

The lock turned and the door creaked open.

Muriel walked in on a sight he thought he'd never see.

The shop was trashed.

Books and papers everywhere, empty tea mugs all over the place.

Empty bottles of ink scattered around the room and in the middle of it all was Asra.

His hair was a mess, unkempt and tangled. His clothes wrinkled and tattered, as if he hadn't worn anything else.

His face was stained in tears and his once bright violet eyes were dull and wet. They were outlined in a deep purple from lack of sleep.

"Asra..." Muriel said, voice barely above a whisper. "What happened?"

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