27. Back To Reality

Start from the beginning

Lian Song didn't know if he should tell Feng Jiu about it. Then he called Si Ming to come over.

"Oh, it's Si Ming. What are you doing here? I have not seen you in a long time." Dong Hua casually asked. 

"Dong Hua, do you remember what happened to you?" Si Ming calmly asked.

"I remembered getting hit on the head."

Dong Hua then turned to look at Lian Song.

"How is Tai Chen Group doing, Lian Song?"

"You remembered Tai Chen Group?" Lian Song was still in shock.

"Of course, why would you even ask such a stupid question?" Dong Hua replied in a cold and stern voice.

"You don't remember what happened these few weeks?" Lian Song replied.

"Why do you both keep asking if I remembered anything? Wait...! I'm unconscious for that long? Tai Chen Group must be in trouble. Call for the higher management team to come to the hospital now, for an emergency meeting."

"But you just woke up, Dong Hua! You need to rest." Lian Song exclaimed.

"Do as I say." Dong Hua replied sternly.

Lian Song and Si Ming walked out of the ward, and they both felt helpless. They didn't know how to tell Feng Jiu the truth, as she would be devastated.

It seems that Dong Hua remembered everything except for Feng Jiu, and all the times that they spent together.


Lian Song and Si Ming visited Feng Jiu, but she was taking a nap.

Then they told Cheng Yu and Cha Cha about Dong Hua's situation. They were all worried about how she would react to this news, but they knew that they couldn't keep it from her.

"How is Dong Hua?! Is he awake yet?!" Feng Jiu anxiously asked after she woke up from her nap.

"Dong Hua is awake, but...." Si Ming frowned and looked stressed.

"He's awake?! I need to see him now! Help me get up, Cha Cha!"

Lian Song then shook his head and looked at Feng Jiu.

"Why are you both looking so glum? Did something happen to Dong Hua?!" Feng Jiu anxiously exclaimed.

"Feng Jiu, we have bad news for you... Dong Hua doesn't remember anything."

"What do you mean by that? What did he not remember?!"

"He doesn't remember... you."

Feng Jiu was distraught, and she murmured under her breath, "I don't believe a word you say."

Then she got agitated and yelled, "I need to go see Dong Hua now! Please! I don't believe that he forgot all about me. Once he sees me, he would remember me!"

Everyone tried to calm her down, but it was of no use. Feng Jiu struggled to get up from her bed, and she didn't care about the pain on her right leg.

"Let me go. I just want to see Dong Hua. Please, just let me go visit him....." Feng Jiu was sobbing uncontrollably by this point.

They couldn't bear to see her so upset, so they agreed to let her visit Dong Hua. They got Feng Jiu a wheelchair and pushed her to Dong Hua's ward.


Upon reaching the ward, they realized that Dong Hua transferred to the "Deluxe Suite" ward upstairs.

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