Ron Weasley

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Requested by TheUnevenKB


"What do you mean you can't help me Hermione?" Ron yells, making some Ravenclaw students look over and told him to shut up. 

"What I mean Ron, is that I have other things to do than to do 'your' work." Hermione whispered as she quickly left Ron, not wanting to be bothered by him. 

Grumbling, Ron went over to an empty table, grabbing his potions book to start, only to hear a chair slide in front of him. 

"Need help?" A soothing voice says, as Ron looks up, noticing the male, but what damped his mood even further, was the Slytherin robes. "Don't you need to bully a helpless person?" Scowled Ron, as the Slytherin only looked confused.

"I thought you needed help?" The male said, as he gave Ron a pout, making Ron blush. "NO! And leave me be!" Ron shouted, making the male flinch, before muttering an 'ok' and leaving, having a noticeable pout on his face. 

~Next day~

"Ow ow ow! Hermione!" Ron shouted, as Hermione dragged him by the ear towards the Slytherin table. "No Ron, you are going to apologize to him!" Hermione shouted at him, Harry snickering at his misfortune. 

"But he's a Slytherin! 'Mine!" Ron tried to reason, as the finally got to the said person. 

"Apologize to my brother Weasley!" Hermione said, as Ron stared at her, before looking at him. "Wait what?" Ron said confuse, as he stared at the two 'siblings'

"Yeah, my brother Weasley, you were being rude to my brother!" Hermione said, as Ron felt the blush on his face. 

Turning to the male Granger, Ron muttered, as he saw the Slytherin held a face of amusement. 
"Sorry, what was that?" The Slytherin said, as he gave Ron a teasing smile. 

"I said I'm sorry ok!?" Ron shouted, face flustered as he heard both Granger's laugh. Standing up, Ron finally noticed the full height of the male Granger. 

Leaning down, The male whispered in Ron's ear. "Names (M/n) Granger love, now don't you forget it.." And left, dragging a laughing Hermione behind him. 

That wasn't the only red thing Ron had today....    

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