Harry Potter

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Requested by RedDragonEmperor1


"What are you doing?" A hush voice questions, as they felt the covers shifting. "Nothing, but..." Another voice says faintly, as they drag off the but. "Well? Hurry up! I'm sleepy." The first voice says back, as they tried to stay awake. "Well, I'm sure you don't want to go get the presents?" The second voice ask, with a threat under his tone. 

Shivers ranked threw the first voice body, as he knows he would do it, no matter who it is. "Harry," The first voice says, as 'Harry' raises an eyebrow at the person, "Please don't, I don't want to die~" The voice says, as he dramatically fell down the bed. Harry just rolls his eyes, enough with his boyfriends bullshit. 

"Ok, I'm leaving so I can get the gifts." Harry says, as he gets up, and walks out of the room, leaving (M/n) with his thoughts. 

'It's now or never.'  (M/n) thought, as he brings out a small black box, and he opens it, and there, dead in the center, was a diamond ring.

*Thump* *Thump* 

Hearing footsteps coming closer towards the bedroom, (M/n) hid the ring, right in time, because Harry walked into the bedroom, with two gifts he is carrying. "Here,: Harry said, as he handed the one wrap with green paper, with a silver bow on top, "It's from me." And finished it off with a soft smile. The one gift that Harry has was a simple red wrapping, with a golden bow on top. 

"Don't know why I have a very light gift." Harry says, as (M/n) chuckles at that. "Open it." (M/n) commands him, as Harry gives him a look that says 'Well no dur.' But did as he's told. 

Unwrapping the red wrapping, Harry was meet with a folded paper, giving his lover a look, Harry opened it, as he was reading the paper, (M/n) brought the small box. And when Harry finished it, he had tears running down his face, only to burst even more when he saw that had a box opened, with a ring inside. 

"YES! YES! YES!" Harry yells, as he glops (M/n) in a hug. (M/n) cheers happily, as he kisses his now fiancé. 

As the snow falls silently behind them, creating a beautiful scenario for the lovely couple. 


Happy late Christmas peps! And Happy somewhat New Year! Hope you all have a great 2020!

Bye peps!

Harry Potter One shots! Ft. Seme Male Reader..Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant