Tom Riddle

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"Let me go." "No." "I am above you, so you should listen to your Dark Lord!"

"Don't make me laugh! More like my short Dark Lord! HAHAHA!!" 

"You idiot buffoon! Don't mock me!"

"You want a kiss?" An idiot said, as he looked down at his nose less lover. Rolling his eyes, Voldemort waited, as he was expecting the kiss. 

"No, I meant a chocolate kiss..." (Y/n) told him, as he was weirded out by Voldemort's actions. 

Giving him a blank look, Voldemort only stared, making (M/n) nervous by the minute. "Heh, well, I gotta go, you know, gotta prepare for some evil stuff." (M/n) told him, before getting up quickly, and running away, as he felt the dark presences of his lover.

"(MMMMMMMM/NNNNNNNNN)!" Was heard throughout the Malfoy Mansion, as the Death Eaters watched their leader chase after his lover.     

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