Lucius Malfoy

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Requested by deamon73

   Hogwarts, what a beautiful place for the magical kids to learn, but one certain 6th year didn't like how his boyfriend is treating him.

    This boy's name is (M/n) Potter, older twin of James, and who is his boyfriend you may ask? It's the blond ferrt Lucius Malfoy.
   And how was Lucius treating the poor boy? By making him jealous. Yes, making a Potter jealous isn't a good thing you know? Well besides that, Lucius was making him jealous by flirting with Narcissa Black.

   Oh how bad he wanted to punch a bitch, and that bitch was Narcissa. So, (M/n) decided to play fire with fire, and by that he will be flirting with Sirius.

  Now, shall we see what happens?

~Flirting with Sirius~

   Walking towards the Great Hall, (M/n) thought this would be a good idea to begin his mission.

   Skipping the Slytherin table, were he usually sits, he walks to the Gryffindor one. Both one from the Gryffindor table mind him, they quickly noticed how nicer he is than his younger twin.

  "(M/n)? What are you doing here?" His younger brother's voice said, making him turn and look, oh, but not just any look. The look that said, 'Imma do something bad,' look and with the unbelievable hot smirk. Made James roll his eyes and smirk back.

   "Hello Padfoot~" a smooth (M/n) said, as he gained someone from the Slytherin table's attention. "Ah! Forest-fire(1), what brings you here?" Smirking, (M/n) announces, very loudly if I may inform, "You know what winks and fucks like a tiger?"

  And did a very noticable wink, making Sirius chock on his drink. "W-wha-a?" Still smirking, he leant down and gave him a peck on the cheek, making someone glare and James to laugh hard.

  Looking over to the Slytherin table, (M/N) mouthed to Lucius, 'I will win~'

  And left the Great Hall, leaving everyone confused besides James.

~The next day~

  The next day (M/n) didn't expect his lover to come up to him and pull him away from his friends, but as he was about to say something, he gave him a harsh glare, making him shut up.

   Finding an empty classroom, Lucius pushed him inside, and locked it. "What.....was that......yesterday?" Lucius questioned, making (M/n) smile proudly. "Just winning something that you started~" he tease, not minding how rough his lover pushed him.

  "Now," Lucius began, walking slowly towards him, "we shall see your punishment." And brought him to lay down, not noticing that he's the Duke, not seme, but (M/n) let him have a bit of control.

  Getting up a little so Lucius was on his lap, and leaning into his ear, only to whisper, "Then do it baby boy~" 

  That night was filled with rough and hard sounds.



  Hope you guys liked this! So see ya peps!

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