Cedric Diggory

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Requested by RedDragonEmperor1


"What bullshit is this!" The loud voice said, as he pointed towards another guy. 

"(Y/n)! Calm down! It's not what it looks like!" the other one yells out, as the taller one gave him a glare.

"Really? Cedric? I come back from work and see you cuddling my fucking cat! You're supposed to cuddle me!" (Y/n) pouted, as he stared at the beautiful male he cause his husband, and the fucking pussy cat named Loki.

"Loki is doing nothing (Y/n)." Cedric smiled, as he continued watching The Office, not once noticing the look Loki gave (Y/n), oh how mad did (Y/n) got once he saw that look. 

'Haha! You're worthless peasant! Cause he loves me more~'

'That's it!' (Y/n) thought, as he marched up too the two, grabbed Loki, before walking outside, Cedric questioning his actions. Eyes widening, before yelling out, "NO! (Y/n)!" 

Only to see (Y/n) yeet Loki out the window, and closing it. After that, (Y/n) started to march up to Cedric, making the lad nervous, before being hauled over his husbands shoulder, and being carried to the bedroom. 

"You're getting a punishment." (Y/n) said, as Cedric couldn't form a single word, because of his husbands jealously towards the cat. "O-ok." Cedric mumbled, as the door closed to their shared bedroom.

Tomorrow Cedric would be really sore to do anything.



Ha! How are you guys doing in quarantine? Because this is not quarantine for me, this is me everyday!

Hope you guys liked it, and bye peps!      

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