The journey begins here

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I was laying down on my bed till Pat broke down my flipping door down (no cuse words think of the children)"PAT WHAT THE HECK!!" "Sorry kiddo"Pat say as he left the room I got up from bed and follow Pat to the kitchen with the smell of pancakes on the table i went to sit on my seat and eat breakfast a short while Pat came in to eat breakfast after we finish eating breakfast Pat said we should go walk around town for a bit so i agree to come along cause there no way the village could be so dangerous we live here for cring out loud once me and pat was walking around the village the mayor came up to us and say . . . "Ahh Patton and Virgil I was looking for you two"the mayor say "Yes mayor Deceit?"Pat asked voice full of excitement for what's coming up which I got pretty worried about. 'I'm dead' I thought as I silently prayer that we don't go on any stupid Adventures or any dangerous ones but no it turns out we are going outside the village which is the worst part.

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