Chapter 28

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I woke up tied to a chair. Wow, like I didn't expect that to happen.

"Hiya sis." I look to the right and see Jerome.

"Why did you take me?"

"Isn't it obvious? I want our sibling relationship to go back to the way it used to be."

"Used to be?"

"When we were close. When we didn't leave each other."

"We were always close. I just left because I didn't want to help with crimes anymore."

"Oh right. I forget you're the 'nicest person in this city'." A guy then walks in.

"Jerome, the test subject has arrived." The guy says.


"Test subject?"

"Ohh right I didn't tell you. I'm trying out the new insanity gas. So that all of the people in Gotham can be their true selves."

"Jerome, I swear if you're going to test it on me, you can forget it!"

"Oh I'm not going to test it on you." I sigh in relief. "But, he might test something on you."

"Wait what-" The guy sprays something in my face. I start to cough and Jerome just laughs.

"Don't fight it, breathe it in sis!" I then start to shake and scream.


"I can't lose him again."

"Don't die on me! Not again!"

"I fell with him. That's why I look so fucked up."

"You really are insane."

"Ha ha ha."

"I thought you were different. Clearly, I was wrong."

"You're a murderer! People will always see you like that!"

"He's gone. He's really gone. And it's all your fault!


"It seems the fear toxin worked. Looks like her fears are becoming you and losing you..." The guy says.

"Wow. Never heard of that before!" Jerome starts laughing, while I sit there still screaming and crying.

"Now shall we try the gas on the test subject?"

"Oh yeah! Let's go!" They then walk out. I had enough strength to get myself out of the chair. I walk over to a window and turn around.

"I'm sorry Jerome. But we will never be close again!" I shout. I don't know if he heard me. But I don't care. I jump out the window and to an old friend of mine. Barbara Kean.

At Barbara's Place.....

I knock on the door and she opens it.

"Hey Jersey." She says.


"It's been awhile. How are you?"

"Not good. That's why I came here."

"What's going on?"

"I saw Jeremiah again."

"Oh, gross. How was that?"

"Ehh, could've been worse. Still didn't enjoy it."

"Did you forgive him?" I nod. "Aww, you're too sweet."

"Thanks. After that, Jerome took me and tied me up to a chair."

"Oh no, what did he do now?"

"Well, his friend sprayed me with fear toxin. Now, I can never stop thinking about Jerome."

"What's your fear?"

"Becoming him and losing him."

"Aww, I'm sorry kid."

"I'm just glad I got out. I'm also glad I got to see you again."

"I'm glad too, girl. It's been awhile. How come you didn't stay with your boyfriend?"

"I missed you and like you said it's been awhile."

"Well, you can stay as long as you want."

"Thanks." I give her a hug. "Speaking of boyfriend, did you tell Jerome about Bruce and I?"

"Well, he knew you were. I kind of confirmed you are. Sorry about that."

"It's fine."

"You look tired."

"Ehh, I'm just a little bit."

"There's a guest bedroom down the hall. Let me know if you need anything."

"Thanks Barbara."

"No problem. Goodnight kid."


The next day....

"You're serious right? Oh my god. He doesn't give up does he? Alright, I'll let her know. Bye." Barbara says. She knocks on the door and comes in. "Hey, I have some news."

"What's going on?" I ask.

"Well, Jerome asked Jim to get two people. He plans to get rid of them both, in front of everyone in the city."

"Who are they?"

"Jeremiah and Bruce..."

Hey everyone! Sorry if this was a short chapter! Hopefully the next one's will be good. Also, I will be posting 2 more chapters. I know there's a lot and it's probably driving some crazy. But for one, I have time to write them. And the other reason will show up on the 2nd chapter I'm posting. 

For My Brother |Jerome Valeska| (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now