Chapter 26

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"But, out of all the siblings I have.... Jeremiah, you're the worst brother ever!"

"Jersey, I-I'm sorry-"

"I don't want to hear it. I'm leaving." I get up and start leaving until something holds me back. Great, he handcuffed me to a table. "This isn't funny Jeremiah. Let me go!" He starts walking to the door.

"I'm sorry Jersey. But I'm not going to lose you again." He closes the door and locks it.

"Jeremiah! Let me out! This isn't funny! Jeremiah!" I yell. He can't hear me. I sit back on the chair and start crying. I never expected my brother to try to make it up like this. I never expected to see this asshole again. And I definitely don't miss him. But, I do remember the reason why he left. I was there when Jerome 'tried' to kill Jeremiah...


It was Jerome and Jeremiah's 10th birthday. My uncle brought out the cake and lighted the candles.

"Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday dear Jerome and Jeremiah. Happy Birthday to you." We all sing.

"I'll go get the plates." I say. I walk over to the kitchen. All of a sudden, I hear someone scream. I turn around and see Jerome putting a cake knife to Jeremiah's throat. "Jerome, stop!" I shout. My uncle then grabs him and punches him in the face. I run over and try to stop him, but he smacks me back. He then throws us outside. We start crying and hugging each other. When it started getting dark out, we got ready to go in. "Jerome?"

"Y-Yeah?" He whispers.

"Are you going to be okay?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"I'm sorry about your birthday."

"It's fine. At least I got to spend it with my favorite sister." I give him a hug and we walk to our room.


"Goodnight sis."

The next day....

I start making breakfast for everyone. I hear a scream and my mom runs into our room.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Mom shouts. I look in my room and see Jeremiah's bed on fire.

"Jerome, why would you do that?" I ask.

"I'm sorry. I was just-" Jerome says as mom smacks him and drags him out.

"That's it! I'm sick and tired of you! Get out of here and don't come back until I want you to!" She shoves Jerome out of the trailer.

"Well if he's leaving, so am I." I yell.

"Fine, get the hell out! I can finally take a break from the both of you! Jeremiah's my favorite kid anyways!" She shouts as she shoves me out.

"Let's go." I tell Jerome. As we start walking, Jeremiah shouts my name. "What?"

"I-I'm sorry. Please don't go!"

"You don't want us here anyways. Go enjoy time with mom. She loves you more than us."

"Jersey please-"

"No! If Jerome is leaving, so am I. Have fun with mom." We then walk away as Jeremiah keeps shouting my name. We didn't know where to go at first. But after a few minutes, we finally figured it out. We stayed there for a while, until the cops came and found us.

"Are you two the children of Lila?" The cop asks.

"Yes." I tell him.

"Alright, you're coming with me." Great. They figured out we have a parent still. The cop knocks on the trailer when we get there. Jeremiah answers it and his eyes widen.

For My Brother |Jerome Valeska| (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now