Chapter 6

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The Next Day...

"Wake up!" I slowly opened my eyes and walk into the cafeteria. I sit down and start eating my breakfast. Jerome then walks over to me and sits down.

"Morning sis."

"Good morning."

"How did you sleep?"

"Fine, I guess."

"Greenwood hasn't been bothering you, right?"


"Okay, good." It got silent after that. Barbara then walks over.

"Hey, Aaron's telling a story if you wanna come listen."

"Okay." Jerome says. "You coming?"

"No, go ahead." I said. Jerome then sighs.

"Look, I know you don't like being here. But, these people are nicer than you think. Well, most of them at least."

"I know... I just-"

"Jersey, come on. It'll be okay. I promise."

"Fine" I sigh. We then walk over to Aaron.

"So when I was in college, I played for the varsity polo team and I had a string of ponies." Aaron says.

"Greetings! I am Zaardon, the Soul Reaper." We all look to our right, and see some weird dude standing on the table.

"So I had these ponies." Aaron continues,''And the maitre d' says, 'You can't bring them in here.'"

"Hear me, slaves." The dude interrupts, "My patience is wearing thin. Surrender your souls to my mercy, or I swear by the master, I shall feast on your pain. I shall gorge on your torment. I shall crush you like a bug." We all stand their confused. Some prisoner then starts walking to this guy slowly. All of a sudden, the dude passes out.

"Well, that was awkward..." I said.

"At least he's dead now." Jerome said.

"Jerome!" I said, smacking him.

"What? Ya gotta admit, he was already annoying." I mean, he wasn't wrong.

"Should we go back to our cells?"

"I guess. Breakfast is almost over anyways." Barbara said. We start walking back. Then, the guys mouth and eyes open wide.

"What the hell?" I said. Then gas started coming out of his mouth. People were starting to pass out.

"Jersey, we have to go! Come on!" Jerome said as he grabbed my arm. We started to run, but then some girl locked and closed the gate.

"Let us out, please!" I screamed. But it was too late, the gas had already came. Me and Jerome then passed out. Now I wonder, what's going to happen to us?

Hey everyone! I'm sorry this chapter was short! I promise the next one will be longer! If you watched season 2 of Gotham, you might know what's gonna happen next ;)

For My Brother |Jerome Valeska| (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now