Chapter 14

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Bruce Wayne? How? My brother tried to kill him...

"Bruce Wayne?" I ask.

"Yes." Jim says.

"Are you out of your mind? Why would you even consider that?"

"Because I want you somewhere safe and with someone who is trustworthy. Bruce is probably the best person to go to right now."

"Do you not realize that my brother tried to kill him?"

"We know. He doesn't think you're a bad person, Jersey."

"You're sure this is okay?"

"I'm sure. Let's go." We get into the car and drive off. As soon as we arrive, I start freaking out. What if Bruce does hate me? What if he kicks me out right away? We get up to the front door. Jim rings the doorbell, and an older man opens it.

"Ah, you must be Jersey. Welcome to Wayne Manors. Master Bruce and I are excited for you to be here." He says.

"Thank you sir. I'm glad you let me stay."

"Anytime, ma'am. By the way, you can call me Alfred."

"Thank you Alfred."

"Well, Bruce is in the living room. He will show you where your room is."

"Okay, thank you." I walk into the living room and see Bruce.

"Hello, Jersey." Bruce says.

"Hello. Thank you for letting me stay."

"Anytime. I'll take you to your room so you can unpack."

"Alright." We start walking upstairs, and finally get to a room. As he opens the door, my mouth drops. The room is so huge and beautiful. "Whoa."

"Pretty awesome, right?"


"Well, I'll let you unpack. Let me know if you need something."

"Okay. Wait Bruce!"


"Are you sure it's alright if I stay?"

"Of course. Why wouldn't it be?"

"Well, my brother did try to kill you. Wouldn't you think I'm bad too?"

"No, of course not. Just because one family member is bad doesn't mean the other is."

"True. Thanks Bruce."

"No problem." He walks away and I start unpacking.

A few hours later....

After supper, I shower then go to bed. I start hearing noises, but it's probably just trees. It finally gets silent.

"Jersey! You need to get out!" I hear someone shout.

"What the hell?"


I hear someone talking after the bomb. The voice sounds familiar... The door was locked and someone was trying to get it open. I ran into the closet and shut the lights off. All of a sudden, the door bursts open. I flinch and try to stay quiet.

"Oh Jerseyyyyyy, come out, come out wherever you areeee." I continue being quiet and start to cry. This guy... he sounds like Theo... Eventually the closet door gets kicked open. "Found you." It was Theo, with a huge grin on his face.

"W-What do you want Theo?"

"Theo? That was my old name. I am now... Azrael!" After that, everything became dark...

For My Brother |Jerome Valeska| (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now