Ciel listened to her story with rapt attention. Helping out the less fortunate sounded like something his father would do.

To think that he and his head maid had actually met only a few years ago...

"I wasn't angry at him, though. I believed him when he said he would help me, so I figured that something must've happened to him. But you know, in a way, he did help me after all. He had you. And I thank you for that, my lord."

Adalina pulled the blankets up over his small body. Then she picked up the candelabra from the dresser.

"I just thought you deserved to know that."

"Adalina..." Ciel started. "I have to confess something. I don't usually think about my parents much, and I say that it's because that I'm the head of the household now but's because it's too painful. And I don't want anyone to see me weak."

"Young master, if I may, no one would think you are weak for missing your family."

"I've spent so long trying to get other people I do business with to see me as more than a child. Showing that kind of weakness would not help my image."

"Even earls are allowed to mourn for those they loved."

Ciel lay down in bed and pulled the covers up. "I suppose."

Adalina politely curtseyed. "Good night then, my lord."

"Adalina...please stay. Just until I fall asleep."

Adalina smiled a little. "Of course, young master."

It was a regular day at the manor when the doors slammed open before Sebastian even knew someone was outside.

That was certainly something he was still attempting to get used to.

"CIEL!" Soma exclaimed bursting inside. "Are you here?!"

Sebastian and Adalina came into the foyer to greet their new unexpected guests. Agni quickly followed Soma into the manor with a polite bow to the two servants.

"Adalina! How are you feeling?" Soma asked energetically. "Have your memories returned yet?"

Adalina smiled broadly and nodded.

Soma's eyes widened. "You just smiled at me! I have never seen a smile like that from you before!"

Adalina laughed very lightly. "...I can do more than just smile for you now."

Soma and Agni were so shocked that actual words had left her mouth that they didn't even notice that she had technically not addressed him properly.

Then it happened. Both men started weeping hysterically.

"Oh, thank you, Kali!" Agni praised. "It is a miracle!"

Soma ran up to Adalina and hugged her tightly. She couldn't help but laugh at his excitement as she gently hugged him back. "You are speaking! You are finally smiling and speaking!"

Adalina nodded. "Yes. I am."

"What happened? Why now?"

The head maid glanced over at Sebastian for a moment. "I'm not afraid anymore."

When Soma looked over at Sebastian, he felt confused. He wasn't so...scary anymore. That strange aura he constantly gave off seemed to have disappeared. He couldn't explain why that was, but it was a bit of a relief. Maybe now he could stand within five feet of the butler without fearing for his life.

"To make up for coming unannounced, may I help with dinner preparations?" Agni asked Sebastian.

Sebastian smiled a little. "Very well. If you will follow me to the kitchen. Adalina, have Prince Soma help you with your chores." The butler sent a suave smile in the prince's direction. "I'm sure he won't have any qualms about that."

Adalina curtseyed and then turned to face Soma. "If you will follow me upstairs then, sir."

Soma went with Adalina while Agni went with Sebastian. Soma was eager to hear Adalina talk some more. Her voice and smile were so beautiful. They didn't hold a candle to Mina's. Of course, Adalina was better than Mina even when she didn't talk. Mina held a lot of darkness in her heart that he hadn't been aware of. He blamed himself for much of that, but even though Adalina had been through much darkness herself (what it was, he didn't know but he knew it was bad if she was afraid to talk), she didn't let it stop her from being kind and an overall wonderful person.

Now that she spoke, he realized how much more beautiful it made her overall. It seemed to him a crime that the world had been deprived of hearing her beautiful voice for so long.

While Soma helped Adalina with her chores well enough, he kept asking her question after question so she would keep talking. On more than one occasion, he stopped working just so he could listen to her voice.

It made Adalina smile. She liked smiling again.

Down in the kitchen, Sebastian and Agni flew across the room to make a meal worthy for the earl. Agni knew there was something different about Sebastian, but he just couldn't put his finger on it. He didn't look much different and he didn't act different, but he was just...different.

"I see you have gotten quite close with Miss Adalina," Agni finally said to break the silence.

"We are two servants who work together. As we are both the head servants of the household, it is only natural that we would become close."

"I understand. But I mean you have gotten very close." Agni smiled fondly. "I could see the way she looked at you when we arrived."

Sebastian chuckled. "We shall have to work on that."

"Is it a problem?"

"In this culture, it is considered inappropriate for two servants to be together romantically. The young master doesn't particularly care, but Adalina insisted on keeping the fact that we are involved a secret so as not to taint his name. She really does look out for him in more ways than one."

"Is that why you fell in love with her?"

"It's rather complicated how exactly I fell in love with her."

"Love is rarely logical."

"I could not agree more."

Agni smiled. That had to be why Sebastian was different. He was in love. There was no other explanation for it. "I think it is wonderful that the two of you have found each other. I know life has been hard for her since long before I met her. But I can honestly say that I have never seen her look happier than I did just now. You changed her."

Sebastian smiled. "We changed each other."

If only Agni knew just how true those words were...

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