Chapter 7- happy tears

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Jared blinks twice and set up in the bed and moves himself from his sleeping sister. He was so worried and concern about how Camille will reaction but then again she is a stubborn. He shake his head and looking out the window looking up to the moon it was full and bright. He smiled up and made a vow to himself.

“I will find you Camille Hayes… and bring you and my little girl home” he laid he hand on the window and breathe “You belong with me and no one else. Baby can’t you see what we had was great. I know you can’t forget me so easily cause it’s the same with me” leaves the window and go back to bed. Later on he will search for her.

Camille POV

I couldn’t think clearly at work so I ask my boss to if I can leave early. After I left work I called Douglas he came right over. We was in the house at first but went outside for fresh air.

“Babe, guess what?” Douglas called out

“What?” I look at him smiling

“I Love you” He says with a smile

“Love you too Douglas” I smiled back

We sat there and talk and joking making our so called dates plans. Douglas prove to me he could be reliable and a great father to Diamond. He shows he cares for and respect my choices for her life. As we talked I see in the corner my eye a black truck pulls up in front of my house.

Jared POV

Me, mom and Marie left the hotel a quarter to one head to Camille’s house. We was two blocks away, when we turn the corner to her neighborhood. As we was approaching her house I see Camille and man looks to be blonde and about 5 feet 8 inches tall. I see he made her smiled her beautiful brown hair blows in the wind. I roll my window down so I can hear their conversation I didn’t like it seeing her with other guys then me.

“Love your Dress Babe” the guy said to her and she giggles that sexy laugh I like so much. Smiling at him broke my heart a little it made me want to cry. My mom hit my arm to get my attention.

“She as beautiful as I remember her son” mom said happily

I nod and reply “She gorgeous”

“Hey, when are we going to talk to her” Marie said and the backseat and then glance up “she is share one hell of a catch bro” laughing lightly

I nod and overhears Camille saying “You know, Diamond really likes you… and-” I look out the window to figure out why she stop talking to see this guy move really close to her. Camille watch him move closer one hand on her left cheek and the other plays with her hair ends. Camille leans over as he did and that second my world became crashing down and I saw red. Getting out the truck before my mom said anything and walked over.

“CAMILLE” I shout out

She glance my way and her eyes grew wild and stands up “Jared!” she sound shock

“How could you?” I ask her with all the hurt I had in my heart for this one scene

She blinks at me then looks at Douglas then me “Douglas, can you give me a minute with him please” she ask without looking at him staring right in my debts of my heart.

“OH… Douglas that his name huh? … You leave me for that!” I said out of anger

“No, Camille I can’t leave you with this fool” Douglas said stands up to

“Does he know who I am?” I ask Camille who eyes was still on me. She looked like she confuse. She shakes her head at me and looks away towards Douglas.

“Douglas, I would like to introduce Maple dad” she said with care

“His Jared… Your Jared from the past” He asked stun

“Yes” she said simple

I spoke up and add my objection to his words “it’s not past… it’s her future and present” I glance at Camille who breath hitch and looking down on the ground

“Jared what are you doing here?” Camille asked still looking down

I laugh and glance at my car “to bring you home with me”

Camille lift her head in shock and step forward to me “repeat that again?” she clears throat “I don’t think I heard you right”

I watch her closely and walks up to her and stick my hands in my front pockets and rock a little “ooh… babe, you heard me right. I’m taking you home along with Diamond” narrow my eyes daring her to deny me of my demands. She open her mouth to say something then close it and nods.

“Diamond deserve her father in her life and I’m not going to stop you from seeing her” she glance at Douglas and takes his hand in hers and look at me “But- You can’t just walk back into my life and expect me to accept you with open arms” she look at Douglas and smiled “it’s time we both move on… cause I have”

I heard the crack in her voice and knew she was bullshitting me “Lier, you know that I know we are met to be together why lie to me and yourself huh?” I watch her glance at me with her mouth in a flat line her eyes never weaver from me “tell me! Why? Would you do this to us” I move closer I hear my car door open and see my mother and sister coming out coming towards me.

“What’s going on? Who’s this Jared?” my mom asked taking hold of my shoulder

“This is Camille so called boyfriend… did she tell you we are still engage to be wed and we never broke it off” I said I was getting angry at Camille and I trying my best to calm down.

“Jared, Is this Camille? ... The one I saw at the airport weeks ago” Marie asked

“Yes it her” I narrow my eyes at Camille

Douglas was shifting on his foot feeling uncomfortable under my family glaze and I don’t blame him. If I was the one receiving the unwelcome glaze I would of to. At the moment I didn’t care he was stepping on a mighty thin line and territory that wasn’t his in the first place. “Yeah she told me, so what about you two didn’t break it off you made it clear you didn’t want your unborn child” Douglas shout back at me

I nod and sigh running my hands in my hair and glance at my mother and sister. She give me a squeeze on the shoulder for courage looking back at them I step up. "I know what I said it was not meant for her to take it in the way she did. I was stress and it’s no excuse for my behavior. I should’ve known better, but doesn’t mean I stop loving you. I wish I could take it back and control my frustration better then take It out on her and my child” I looked her dead in the eyes with my every emotion to show I was real and meant every word “can you forgive me Cami” I plead to her for understanding she looked at me with sad eyes and sighs.

“I forgive for me and Diamond sake. But if you hurt her or me again-“She threaten

I interrupt her and walk up to her “Never again Babe, I sorry I was a dumb fool” I got on my knees and held her to me close. What surprise me most was she wrap her arm around me.

“Look at me Jared” her soft voice called out

I looked up at her “please forgive”

“I forgive you” she said with gentleness

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