Chapter 8 - kiss of promises

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Camille POV

As I stand here before Jared and feel the tension in my neck cease for some odd reason. I looked back at Douglas and mouth out to him to go in the house I be there in a minute and he nods. I watch him leave and turn back around to see his mother and sister smiling at me and him.

“Does this mean your coming home with us?” Marie said with a hopeful look

I open my mouth to reject the Question but I stop myself before it come out wrong. I sigh and shake my head looking down at my ex-lover and his family before me. I had to be honest with them and it was the hardest to decide. “No” I said hesitantly but watch her closely as she grew confuse

“But-But he just apologize on his hands in knees to you” she said with sadness

“It’s not that easy” I reply and move away from Jared and he stood up “I will forgive you for myself and Diamond. But I will not be returning with you guys. I’m sorry if I made you feel you waste gas to come up here to hear this unfortunate answer” I said in one breath

Jared looked to his side and chuckle holding himself and I was damn will confuse “Why are you laughing?” I asked curious

“You are so damn stubborn like I remember, which is one of the traits I fall in love with you… you think I will travel for eight fucking hours for nothing for some lousy rejection and let it go” Jared said now looking at me with fire in his eyes “I’m not accepting a no from you… Not now or ever. Until you understand am here for you and my daughter I’ll be around” Jared said

I was silent from the revelation of the truth of his love. I heard a noise from a distance but didn’t really pay much attention to it because I was so focus on how pissed he looked right about now. The noise got louder until it was right in front of my house and we all glance at it. There stood a school bus and children coming off. I heard his mother gasp and said with a happy voice.

“Is my granddaughter on that bus?” Mrs. Daniels asked

I glance at her for a minute and looked away with unclear mind “Yes” I said as I see my angel skipping towards us humming. She pause for a second looking confusing at our visitor then me with a question in them. I just smiled waving her over to me. She glance to my right to where Jared stood and broke out with a warm smile screaming.

“DADDY!!!” Diamond yells running to him with her open arms and him welcoming it with a smile of happiness.

“Hey baby… how was school today” Jared asked her

“Well it was okay because … I almost got in a fight with this girl name Amanda right-” Diamond said with her little hands moving in the air as she speak

I clear my throat to interrupt them glaring at her “Diamond what did I told you about messing with Miss Carina daughter” I scold her

She looked at me with pleading eyes “Mommy, I know but she started first… she told me I was an unwanted child from my daddy. And that no one loves me not even you!” she cried out with tears

I was pissed now that little girl had always was on my baby case and she going to feel me when I beat her behind. I told a deep breath to calm down my nervous “she what! And what did you say?” I said trying to control my angry

“I told her that she is a big liar and big stupid head and my mommy and daddy loves me” she smiles sadly

I got on my knees looking her in the eyes cause my tears to was falling as I spoke to her “ and it’s true we love you more than anything… me and daddy love you so much that he came down her just to see his little girl” I glance at Jared who watch her and glance at  me

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