Chapter 5 - past life

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Camille POV

After dinner me and Douglas had a good talk about Jared and Maple. He didn’t like the idea of Jared come looking for her or me but I warned him that Jared is not someone he wants lurking in the shadows of alleys or homes. But Douglas being Douglas shrugs it off. I just finish putting Diamond to bed and now sitting in my bedroom looking over my tax forms and Douglas sound asleep beside me right arm around my waist. I started to think of the day left Jared and how torn I was to between having the baby and leaving him or abort the baby and stay with him.


Coming home with anger and storming upstairs going in the closet pulling out things that she need. She left some things behind and only took what is need. Grabbing her book bag putting her things in it no neatly and goes in the bathroom takes her toothbrush and leaves the house without looking back. Getting in her car she cries hits her hand on the wheel and bits her lips. She knew this was the hardest thing she ever down but she need to women up and take a stand. Sitting up and wiping her face starts the car and drives away. She stop by a gas station and got some food and gas using the bathroom. She made sure she had enough money to travel. Pulling off she drives away and puts in her GSP as it took her away. Camille will stop once twice at rest stop to use the bathroom and freshen up. On her way to her car from the bathroom her phone rang. She looks at and picks up.

“Hey mom”

“Honey, were the hells are you… Jared and your father I are worried” Mom said with concern

“On my way going to New York mom to have my baby and build myself a new life”

“What! Baby?” mom sound shock

I rolled my eyes no wonder Jared didn’t tell her “I’m pregnant mom with Jared baby”

She was a silent for minute on the line. I knew my mother when she quiet she’s thinking and maybe a little overwhelm “you’re pregnant?”

I kept my eyes forward and took two deep breaths “yes mom, I’m pregnant and I’m keeping it”

She chuckles “Jesus child, of course you are going to keep my grandbaby… I can’t think of a worse possibility of not keeping it”

I sigh in relief and rub my head “so, you are not mad at me huh?”

“Of course not, I pissed you didn’t tell me sooner” she said calmly

“I’m sorry, mom - it’s just-” sighs “Me and Jared had a nasty fight, he doesn’t believe it his and it made me feel he doesn’t want it. So I left because I’m not getting rid of my baby for no one”

She was quiet at first got be thinking she will tell me to bring my butt back home and face like a woman. “What did he say? That made you believe that” mom said

“It wasn’t his and that I must was cheating on him and etc…” I tears in my eyes but I wipe them way and got in my car and start it up and reverse it and drive off. “I’m not surprise he didn’t tell you”

“He did, but not that your pregnant for his baby… he worried about you” mom said

“I’m fine mom, don’t tell him where I’m going. If he ask you never heard from me mom” I plead

She sigh out loud “fine, but don’t say I didn’t tell you so when he keeps calling you or worst text you” mom said

I smiled at her way of advice “love you mom, talk to you later”

“Later, love you more… and Camille?” said called

“Yes mom?” I asked

“Call me when you reach… I don’t want to lose you” she said

I rub my hand over my chin and forehead “you won’t lose me… I promise to always stay intact with you” if only I knew how good and true those word were when I said them. Mom and me got off the phone later and I was heading into Virginia taking exit routes left to right and finally two or three hours later I was in Maryland then I heard my phone rang I looked he was Jared calling me. I just let it ring and continue my journey going into Philadelphia it’s a pretty place. May I should take a trip to where they held the liberty bell and look into the independents hall and other things. As I continue to drive I started to get tired and pull over for a rest then pick up where I left off. I finally made it to New York and I found myself a hotel and stay there for a month. I search and search for jobs and finally found one. Lately I been receiving calls, texts and voice mail from Jared and saying he was pissed is an understatement. I cried every time I listen to them. Then a suddenly he just stop and I was glad I changed my number and by couple months later I was 23 weeks pregnant. Yes my baby is moving it’s weird but puts joy in my heart to now I have life inside me. My jobs was getting hard but differently affordable for me and my baby. Has months pass my due date was coming in my boss had this talk with me about maturity leave just until my baby got to age and I find a suitable nanny or friend who could watch him or her for me.

Flash back over

I glance over to Douglas and smile as he sleep. I sigh and wonder why do I go back to my past life and remind myself of the pain and torture I put myself through leaving Jared was my most painful memory. But seeing him today earlier was like a breathtaking chance feeling him close and touching me made me get Goosebumps. At less he met his daughter. I rest my papers down on my nightstand and lay my body down flat and turn the lights out. Tomorrow is a new day and hopeful a better one without Jared coming into my life again.

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