Chapter 8

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Eli was coming to see me so I decided to go to the grocery store and pick some things up so I could make us dinner.

I took my time walking through the aisles, picking out the things I needed to make his favorite meal.

I almost hated being at home so I felt oddly at peace in the grocery store, that was until a tall, tattooed, man walked down the aisle I was in. I recognized him from the party I was at a few days ago, he had came in with The Weeknd.

He looked me up and down then smirked as he walked pass me.

I threw the noodles in the cart and quickly walked out of the aisle.

I went to get the last few things on my list and almost jumped out of my skin when I felt someone grab me from behind.

"What you making for us?"

I turned around and shoved Hawk away from me.

"Jesus! I shoulda punched you in the damn throat!"

He laughed. "Calm down."

"Fuck you, I want you to leave me alone." I said as I pushed passed him. "I'm done with you, your friend and all this shit. So let me be."

He followed after me as I walked towards the front of the store so I could check out.

"Fine." He shrugged. "You want me to help pay for all this?"

"No, I got it." I sighed in frustration as I started to put my things on the belt. "Just please leave me alone."

"Alright, fine. See you later."

He walked away from me and I noticed that the tattooed guy was standing near the door. Hawk dapped him up and they both walked out the store together.

They knew each other.

I knew the other guy knew The Weeknd, considering they showed up at the party together the other night so maybe Hawk knew him too.

My mind started to race as the cashier scanned my groceries. I was slowly starting to connect the dots, everything was starting to make sense, and I was pretty sure I knew exactly who the man upstairs was.

"Ma'am?" The cashier snapped me out of my thoughts. "Your total is fifty-three dollars even."

"Ooh, sorry."

I paid for my things and thanked the cashier before grabbing my bags.

As soon as I got home, I put my food away then went back to my bedroom. I grabbed my MacBook and sat down in the middle of my bed as I started to scour the Internet.

It took a little while but I had finally found Hawk's Instagram. He had very few post and no tagged photos so that was pretty much a dead end.

I started to go through the people he follows and stopped when I saw one of the guys I always see with him and the one that threw me out of the apartment.

"Now we're getting somewhere..."


I tapped on his profile and started to scroll through his photos.

They were mostly pictures of his wife and kids and I was about to say fuck it but I saw a picture of him and The Weeknd.

"You know I got your back for life. Happy birthday brother."

I mumbled. "I knew it..."

I tapped on his tagged photos and there were countless pictures of him and Abel together at parties, award shows and even pictures of them with each other's families.

The man in apartment 65Where stories live. Discover now