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"The blinds wide open so he can
See you in the dark when you're sleepin'. Naked body, fresh out the shower, you touch yourself after hours. Ain't no man allowed in your bedroom. You're sleeping alone in your bed-" I sang along to She by Tyler the creator until my friend Aaron changed the song. "Um I was listening to that!"

"That song is so fucking creepy Ally." He shook his head as kept hitting skip until a song by The Weeknd came on. "That's better."

I bobbed my head along to The Morning and I looked out of the window at the farms as we passed by them.

I was finally getting out of country ass North Carolina and moving to New York to pursue my modeling career. Aaron already lived there and since he was a designer he had connections that could hopefully get me a deal.

He asked. "You nervous?"

"About what?"

"Moving to New York. It's a big leap for a country girl."

"Well im a little nervous...but you did it so I can do."

"Yeah, you know I'll always be there for you girl! Everything is a culture shock but you'll adjust after a month or so."

"I hope so. I really don't wanna end up coming back home."

"Don't worry. Everything will work out fine."

After another few hours, Aaron pulled into the parking garage of the apartment building. Luckily I was able to get a place in the same building as him so we'd always be close.

We grabbed some of my bags from the backseat of the car and went to walk in the building.

As we walked in, a man dressed in all black with dark sunglasses on and a hood thrown over his head walked by us with a taller guy that was also hiding his face, trailing behind him.

I tried to catch a glimpse of his face but he was making an effort to not be seen.

Aaron laughed as we stepped on to the elevator.

"What? Did you know him?"

"No, nobody does."


"You see that button that should be for the top floor but it's blacked out now?"


"It's because he brought the whole top floor and made it into some kind of penthouse. He paid for them to build him a private elevator so he's the only one with access to it."

"But who is he?"

"No one knows, everyone just calls him "the man in apartment sixty-five." He shrugged. "He barely leaves that place and when he does, he's gone for months. When he is here, he never shows his face or talks to anyone. I tried asking the doormen and the woman that works the front lobby but they said he made them sign non-disclosure agreements so they legally can't talk about him."

"So he must be a celebrity."

"I guess, but why would they wanna live here? If he can afford to buy the whole top floor and build his own personal elevator, obviously he can afford to live in the Upper east side or something."

I shrugged. "Maybe he likes the hustle and bustle of lower manhattan."

We got off on my floor and I excitedly skipped down the hall to my door.

I dropped my bags by the door. "I'm so happy I'm finally here!"

"Me too sis!" Aaron said with a huge smile on his face. "Do you want me to stay and help you unpack?"

The man in apartment 65Where stories live. Discover now