Part 18// a long day

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Okay so wtf it's been almost a year since I last updated and you guys are still reading, thank you guys so much.

Nova's P.O.V

I woke up to my phone blasting the alarm. I get out of the warm bed and jump into the shower. it may only be 5am but unlike the boys I have to actually get ready and not just jump out of bed. I get out of the shower and decide to put my hair into tight braids since it is still summer and the school holidays. I throw on some short black shorts and an oversized tank top. I walk into the kitchen to see if I had any food to eat. I was roasted on for 5:30am, I check the time I still had 15 minutes till I had to be at the beach. I decided to just grab something from the supermarket on my way. I grab my bag full of my lifeguard stuff and walk out of the house.

I walk into the tower, eating my yoghurt and muesli. Maxi and Whippet were sitting around just talking to each other catching up with each other's life's. "Hey boys" I say walking in and dumping my stuff on the table. I join in on their little talk before getting up and grabbing my stuff. I walked over to the pavilion.

the day was busy, and it was only 12. I had a lunch break, so I started walking up to the tower. for some reason I felt the need to turn around. I turn my head and what I saw shocked me. A middle age man grabbing a young child from their family and running off.

"Nova to Bondi Central, I have a dude stealing a child. I'm running after him" I radio the tower as I start running towards the dude. the child screaming and crying. The parents joined me running after the guy. The good thing about being a lifeguard is that we learn to run on soft sand where's the public never really have that skill. I didn't even hear the radio message back as I was running for my life to get this child back. screaming at anyone in the public to stop this man. We were at north end and the dude was running across the sand towards south end. I grab my radio.

"Nova to everyone, the dude is running south on the sand I'm sending the parents to the tower if someone can get up to all the south ramps to stop any chance of him getting away" I was still sprinting gaining distance to the dude. all I had to do was grab him. The dude slowed down not noticing I was behind him. I didn't have my blue shirt on as I left that in the tower as it was so hot and busy today. To him I looked like any normal person of the public. I turned a small amount to make it look like I was running a different way and when he started walking thinking he was in the clear I sprinted up to him, grabbing the back of his shirt stopping him. out of shock he let go of the child. I saw Hoppo running down the beach about 10 Meters away. I pushed the guy to the ground and restrained him. the child looked only about 2 years old. The man started screaming it was his child and he doesn't know why I have pushed him to the ground.

"sir, I watched to pick up this child from their family. I have already asked the parents if it was their child and they say it was" Hoppo then took over from what I was doing letting me grab the 2 year old off a member of the public "thank you" I say as she hands my the child. Maxi and Whippet had shown up and were helping Hoppo hold the guy down till police got there. I started taking the child up to the tower. I walk into the tower and hand the young 2-year-old girl to her mother.

"Omg thank you, thank you, thank you. I can never repay you for what you just did" the mother said to me while hugging her daughter close. "Don't worry, I watched him just walk up and take her and it was obvious that she wasn't his. "What is your name?" "Nova" I reply.

"well thank you Nova, I'm Sam and this is my wife Grace and our daughter Starr, and we will forever thank you" I was shocked all I did was my job I don't need these many thanks. "Honestly it is just my job, no need to thank me. Starr is also so adorable"

the end of the day was rolling around and I started packing up the beach. speaking into the microphone something along the lines of the beach is closing so leave. Just as I was about to pick up the last rescue board, I heard Whippet from over my shoulder "hey is that a head out the back?" I look up and sure enough a head was starting to go under. I rip off my shirt and grab the last rescue board on the beach and sprint into the water. my feet hit the water and I threw the board onto the surface of the water and paddled my hardest. the head was under by the time I was 10 meters away. I pulled myself forward as my mind thought the worst. I got to where I last saw the person and looked around. they hadn't surfaced yet. I look down and saw a small shadow nearing the bottom. I know we are never meant to leave our boards.

I called for backup then jumped off my board into the water. the light fading, I knew I had to find them fast. my heart rate was going crazy as I swam deeper and deeper hoping for the best. I see the person and push myself towards them. my hand touches their arm and I clasp it and pull them up. I reach the surface and check for a pulse, none. I pull the chain 3 times telling them we gotta resus. Whippet pulled up next to me. my board was long gone. I gave him the person and started to swim into shore. my head cloudy with thoughts.

I reach the shore and see the boys working on the person who now looks 14 years old. my heart sank thinking I took too long. I watch as the boys move back for a second. silence fell over everyone. "I've gotta pulse" I hear Maxi scream. my heart skipped a beat. He is alive. I walked over to the buggy to get a lift to the tower when they went to get the paramedics. Reidy jumped into the buggy and started driving in silence. I jumped out of the buggy still in shock from all of today's events. I walk into the tower and Jesse was there. I stop in the doorway and he looks over at me. I walk up to him and collapse into his arms. I just start crying my eyes out. everything was just too much.  

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