You Like Me Too Much (part 7)

Start from the beginning

Needing time to think, I cast my gaze over to the shattered glass on the floor. As I stare, worry finds its way into my mind.

As I hold this shaking, crying mistress of mine I can't help but wonder- who is she really?

First she lied about her father, then she lied about George, and now she pulls this violent stunt. It makes me wonder if I really know her at all. Could she be more unstable than I realized?

I all of the sudden remember the other little red flags before those big lies. Her knowing Cynthia's name before I ever told her, and somehow knowing where I live despite me ever saying anything.

"Sophie?" I say quietly.

She tilts her head up and sniffles noisily, eyes dewy with tears.

"Do you remember a few months back when we talked in my classroom, right before we..." I ask, stifling my own emotion.

"Yes. I remember it very well." Her lips curl into a smile.

"You kept referring to my wife as 'Cynthia'..."

Sophie freezes in place, suddenly avoiding eye contact.

"How did you know her name?"

"John I've already told you, you mentioned it in class." She giggles nervously.

"You're wrong."

"Excuse me?"

"I've never once said my wife's name during class. Ever. Now tell me the truth..."

She stays silent, and clutches onto the fabric of my shirt. She twists it within her grip as if she wants to keep me in place.

"Answer me!" I shout, making her flinch.

"I followed you home!" She admits, finally.


"I followed you home, okay! I wanted to see where you lived, and what your life outside of school was like. I wanted to watch you be a father and see you kiss the woman you love. I wanted to pretend it was me instead of her, and that your kids were mine, not hers." She blurts, fresh tears covering the old ones. My heart sinks, and the fear within rises.

"Jesus Christ." I mutter in disbelief.

"Please Don't leave me over this!" She pleads quietly, burying her head into my chest once again.

"Is that it?" I ask through gritted teeth.

"Yes. That's it. I swear." Sophie raises her head up and starts peppering my neck with kisses, all the while her hand slides down to my belt buckle. I suck in a breath and stop her, prying her fingers off of my trousers.

"Don't let this come between us... it's old news! We're soooo good together..." she breathes, desperately trying to squirm her hand out of my grip. I eventually give in, and she immediately starts to undress me again.

 I eventually give in, and she immediately starts to undress me again

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"No. Fuck this. I'm leaving!" I shout harshly, shoving her off of me to stand up. Once I'm stood up I brush off my clothing and scan the room for my briefcase. Once I spot it I dart over to it and swipe it off the table, then hurriedly stroll towards the door.

"No!" Sophie screams, hurling herself in front of the door to block it.

"Move. Right. Now." I seethe.

Sophie looks me dead in the eyes, her long lashes fluttering with fear. She bites her lip, and to my surprise- I feel nothing.

"It''s over." I mutter hesitantly, all the while I can feel the weight of shame overpower me to my very core.

"John..." her lower lip quivers. "You don't mean that..." she says as more of a statement than a question. I nod and move forward, placing my hand on the doorknob. She looks down, but she doesn't move.

"I do mean it! You're a fucking psycho, Sophie! Stalking my wife and kids? Are you insane?"

"It's only because I wanted to be with you, John!" She shouts back.

"And now I have you! It all worked out!"

"No. You don't have me. Not anymore. Not ever."

The waterworks pick up again for the both of us, tears staining our already flushed cheeks.

"B-but...I'm your kitten? You said you'd never leave me?"

I let out a harsh breath, then suck it back in as more tears fall.

"I know what I said, but everything's changed. So please, just let me go." I plead.

"I don't want to." She cries. This poor, helpless girl. Christ, don't give in John. Don't give into her. Remember what she's done...

"Move." I demand, clutching onto the doorknob.

After a few seconds of staring at me in shock, she finally moves away- allowing me to exit her home without a battle.

Once the door is shut my heart explodes in anguish. I contemplate going back in, knowing that she's probably sobbing her little soul out.

All I want to do is go in there and comfort my precious kitten, but knowing who she truly is now and what she's capable of- I have no choice but to let her go and protect my family.

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