Chapter 5: A New Beginning

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"What one should really fear is not a competent enemy, but an incompetent ally."

I now have a newfound hatred for glass. Nixie's stupid test of allegiance got a million tiny pieces of it all over the room so I had to spent the next 2 hours cleaning it up. "Why did Nixie make me do this up by myself? My power set doesn't include physical object manipulation." I complained to myself as I picked up a handful of glass and threw it away. I had grabbed a nearby trashcan from inside my room and put all of the glass that I could pick up with my hands into it. I cut myself a few times on the glass but at this point my adrenaline was already so high that the pain felt dulled but I'd no doubt feel it later when my adrenaline wore off.

After I had grabbed the last couple pieces of glass and thrown them away, I experimented with my newfound abilities. I tried testing out my ability to scan things for information my pillow. I scanned the pillow with my left eye and instantly words formed in my peripheral vision saying where the pillow was made and what it was made out of. After a couple of seconds to let me read, the words disappeared from my vision as if they were never there. I'm never gonna get used to that. I tossed the pillow on top of my bed and picked up Diástasis from the floor. The light blade that Adam gave me was a mysterious weapon that I wanted to know more about so it would be the perfect test subject. I scanned Diástasis and I saw that it was a claymore made from Obselion, it weighed approximately 4.5 grams, and its color was Midnight Blue. "Sad, I wish it would've told me more about Diástasis but I guess there's a limit of the information I can get with my scans." I said as I lifted up the sword, its blade shining in the moonlight. Though my left eye was still blind to my surroundings, I could see Diástasis as clear as day. It was comforting that I could still see at all, because it meant that there was a chance I could get my sight back for good.

Adam also said to try and make Diástasis into other weapons, why don't I try that.

I held Diástasis in my hand and closed my eyes. I visualized Diástasis as another weapon, a bow. I opened my eyes and instantly a black mist covered the weapon and dissipated just as fast as it came, leaving a bow an arrow in my hand. "Wow, it went from a slim sword into a bow an arrow. Amazing." I said to myself. I nocked the arrow into the bow and pulled back the string far back enough where it could go a pretty decent distance and let go, shooting it out the of the broken window. As soon as the arrow left the bow it was covered light and flew through the air at dangerously high speeds until it buried itself into a nearby building, causing a mini explosion to happen at the point of impact. When the dust settled, a basketball sized crater was all that was left of the arrow I shot.

I looked back down at the bow only to find that the arrow was still nocked in place ready to fire as if it never left the bow. What I could infer from this was that when the string hit the arrow, it hit it with enough force to send out a copy of itself entirely made out of light. I put down the bow and thought of another weapon, a spear. The same black mist completely covered the weapon and in seconds, the bow had transformed into a spear. I lifted up the spear and waved it around It weighed about the same as the bow and sword but  was longer, wonder how that worked.

It didn't seem to have any special abilities like its sword and bow form but something told me that I hadn't seen its full potential yet. A flock of sparrows passed by my broken window and this gave me the perfect time to try out something stupid. I walked to the broken window, took a step back, and threw my spear at the sparrows. I expected it to fall to the ground, but it flew out of my hands at terrifying speeds and pierced one of the sparrows clean in the gut, It then returned to me like a boomerang with the sparrow still on its serrated edge.

I shook off the sparrow into the open window and retracted Diástasis into a pen.

I think these might come in handy. The bow is great for long distance confrontations and the spear is good for catching opponents off guard. Close distance I can use the ole' trusty claymore.

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