He sighed as his kisses became less focused. "You should probably go get ready," his voice inflected pain.

I nodded, chewing on the inside of my newly swollen lip.

He gave me one last kiss, a kiss that was passionate enough to make both of us smile, before he rolled off the bed, landing with his feet firmly planted on the floor.

I stretched my arms above my head before padding my feet along the floor into the bathroom.

I turned on the water, immediately letting steam fill the room. I ridded of my clothes underneath the sink, and stepped into the shower, letting the sizzling water engulf my body, erasing the smell of Liam from my skin.

I fumbled with the bar soap, lazily cleansing my body. I kneaded the honey smelling shampoo into my hair before rinsing it out and adding conditioner. One I was clean from head to toe, I stepped from the shower onto the towel mat, wrapping the white fluffy towel around me. I ran a brush through my hair before returning to my room.

Much to my surprise, Liam was till there lying shirtless on the bed. He was curled up in a ball playing on his phone.

"Do not look up from that screen," I ordered him.

He laughed, "Yes'm."

I bent over my suitcase and pulled out a pair of jeans and underwear. I slipped them on quickly.

"Ok," I hummed. "I won't kill you if you look now. I'm still not fully dressed but you won't die."

"Thanks for informing me," he looked up just long enough to wink at me cheekily before turning back to his phone.

I pulled a gray camisole over my head, adding a white and bright blue sweater on top. I plunged my feet into my Uggs before heading back to the bed and dramatically plummeting onto it.

"Are you all ready, love?" he hit the sleep button on his phone and moved so his arms were around me again.

Need, time creates need.

"Yeah," I whispered. "I just have to repack my toothbrush but that can wait until after breakfast." I glanced at the clock. "We don't need to leave for another hour. Starbucks?" I asked. "My treat."

"Sure, but I think I need a shirt."

"I mean I'm fine with you not wearing one....." He smirked at my words. "But I think they have a sign that says 'No shoes. No shirt. No service'."

"Bummer," he snapped his fingers. "Guess we have to stop at my room then."

I walked over to the coat rack and grabbed my purse, "Isn't that your shirt right there?" I pointed to the cloth at the foot of my bed.

"Yes," he nodded, "but Louis spilled beer on it last night."

"Oh," I opened my mouth and my voice came out full of sarcasm, "So that's why you were smelling like alcohol last night?"
He winked, "Yeah, you could say that."


He grabbed his shirt off the floor and clenched it into my hand as he walked over to me.

"Ok," he said as he crouched on the floor.

"Ok what?" I asked confused.

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