Chapter 36

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Charlotte's POV

"Make sure you get that paper in by tonight," my English instructor told the class. I glanced to Madison who was sitting next to me and rolled my eyes. The teacher had only told us that about a thousand times in less than an hour. "Other than that, class dismissed."

I grabbed my books and threw them in my backpack as the classroom was suddenly buzzing with life. It was a later class which meant most people would go out partying, assuming they had Mrs. Leonor's paper turned in.

"Any plans for a hot date tonight?" Madison tormented me. It was a Wednesday night which normally meant that I would stay back on campus and catch up on homework, but only if Liam was busy.

"No," I grinned.

"Why so happy if you don't have a hot date?"

"They aren't even in the country, Mads," I told her. "Lauren and Amalia are coming to watch their interview that's on tv tonight."

"Ohhhh," she nodded her head in understanding. "I gotcha."

The class had ended at eight which meant that the interview would be on in an hour.

"Did you want to come watch it?" I asked her.

She glanced at her feet nervously.

She stuttered," I mean I don't want to impose..."

"Oh lord Maddie just come one!" I grabbed her arm and lead her up the stairs to mine and Marisa's room. Maddie made her way to the sofa and grabbed a magazine off the side table.

"So you like to buy magazines with your face on the cover?" She held up a People's magazine and looked at me smugly.

I sighed as I went about tiding the room.

"My mom sent that to me...."

"How are your mom and dad taking the whole thing?" she put the magazine back down.

I rolled my eyes to cover up the numbing pain that had just shot through my body. "I talk to my siblings a few times a week."
"What about your parents?" she asked. She could tell that I wasn't telling her something. She was the only one who I wasn't able to fool.

"Um, I haven't talked to them in about three weeks."

"Why not?" she asked concerned.

I shrugged, "Apparently, my mom and dad think that I am abusing their permission to study over here."

"So they don't support it?"

"Well, one day they are sending me to school and the next day I'm on the cover of People's magazine tongue wrestling with a boy they haven't even met!" I snapped. "Those are my mother's words, not mine."

"Oh," was all she said.

"Yeah, I didn't bother telling Liam because they can't do anything. I'm practically on a full time scholarship and well they've already paid the rest in full. The worst thing they can do is take away the money they have to pay next year, which isn't that much. I'd be able to get a job and scrounge up enough money to leave. They know that, too. So they just don't talk."

"But Christmas is coming..."

"And I'll go home. It'll be fine. They'll learn to deal with it. They'll have too."

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