Chapter 63

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Charlotte's POV

The second I stepped outside the door, the screaming erupted louder than before. Flashing lights blinded me, stretched out hands reached over the barricades attempting to grab any part of us that they could. The five boys started waving to the fans and blew them kisses, but they didn't leave us alone. Liam's hand remained firmly on my waist, keeping my side up against his own.

With his hand on the small of my back, he led me towards the limo. Lauren and Louis followed immediately after us, while the other three talked with a few fans and posed for pictures. Through the window of the limo, I watched as Amalia remained on Niall's arm, causally talking with fans like they were good friends. I admired her for that: honestly, they kind of intimidated me.

Lauren snapped her fingers in front of my face.

"Sorry," I snapped my head towards her. "Just watching Amalia.... I couldn't do that."

"You don't have to," Liam kissed my cheek. "I know they are a little intimidating." Louis chuckled.

"'A little' is an understatement." As Louis said this, the door opened and the other four slid into the seats.

"Off we goooooo!" Harry yelled as he slammed the door shut. The long shiny black car lurched forward, navigating its way through the busy streets. We made our way to Avery Fisher Hall, which was where the movie would be shown.

"Who's excited for the movie, because I am pumped?" Amalia exclaimed.

We were on the guest list for the second Hunger Games movie. Apparently the boys were close friends with one of the actors. Long story short, 1D was the guest of honor. Their attendance was causing more commotion than any of the movie actors.

We made our way onto Columbia Avenue which was the street the theater was on. We spent about twenty minutes waiting in a line of cars. The windows were tinted, so I couldn't clearly see especially because it was getting dark, but I could hear the fans vibrating the air. They were thousands of times louder than they had been at any concert I had been to.

"Remember, I've got you," Liam whispered into my ear. He pulled may hand from out of my lap and laced his fingers through it.

Finally, we reached the front of the line.

"Here you are," the driver called to us. "Have a good night."

Harry pushed open the door and immediately the screams grew. He stood up, hopped down and waved. He then stepped to the side letting Zayn who waved as well. Niall was next. He blew a kiss to the fans and then grabbed Amalia's hand escorting her from the car. Fans screamed Amalia's name just like they had Harry's and Zayn's. Louis stepped out next waving and winking to the watching girls before turning to help Lauren out. He pulled her out and placed a small peck on her cheek. It was tiny but the fans caught it causing the screams to double in volume once again.

"You ok?" Liam asked before sliding past me. I nodded. Before he was in view of everyone else, he pressed his lips gently to mine. Then, he stepped out of the car. To my surprise, people started screaming my name when they saw him.

He did a slight wave before turning his back on the crowd and offering me his hand. "They want you."

I took his hand delicately and let him pull me into the chilly December night. Cameras flashed. Fans yelled my name. I was astounded, slightly frightened, and utterly confused on what I was supposed to do.

A World of Differences [1DFF]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant